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Ziyi kept blushing with the dress she wore that covered her shoulders halfway and flowed down into a graceful plunging neckline. It's a relaxed fit that covers her breasts but does so without making it look awkward or messy. It only covered her arms to a few inches below her shoulders. which not only helps stress her gorgeous skin, it also keeps the focus on other parts of the dress. The dress's waist is narrow, but it's a slim fit. A cloth ribbon has been wrapped around her and tied in the front.
The dress widens at the waist and has a bell-style. The dress reaches all the way down, almost covering her feet, and is longer at the sides and back of the dress.
She's wearing wedges, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress. To top it all off, she's wearing an ornate necklace and an embroidered bracelet.

The food was delicious, and everyone ate to their hearts' content. As they waited for Mrs. Bin, they all sat in the living room.

Zhan's grin spread across his face as he thought, "I bet this is your last decent meal," he mused.

Haikaun called Zuocheng and asked, "Now that we have everything we need, how do we catch him?"

We are doing it today at Zhan's place, just waiting for his call. Zhuocheng said and blushed as he continued his conversation with him, feeling tingles in his heart and toes. Both of them laughed and felt strangely connected.

Oh, let me make you laugh. Zuocheng muttered.

"What?" Haikuan asked, his ears turning red.

Zhan stated, "I wish I knew where Yibo was." I would have invited him to come and propose to him in front of them before we put him in jail. " They were both giggling.

We should prank Zhan. Haikuan laughed when he said that.

Zuocheng remarked in a low voice that his heart couldn't take it.

We must remove Mr. Bin from Yibo's path. Haikuan commented.

Kaun, don't go too far. Cheng forewarned,

"He flushed profusely." "He enjoys it when Cheng refers to him as Kuan." I'll call you when everything is finished. As he hung up the phone, Cheng stated.

He became irritated and texted Zhan, "What's taking so long?"

"You may be on your way," Zhan replied.

He saunters out of the house into his car with the file in one hand. He jingles his car key in the other, humming, excited that Yibo would be back to where he belonged with his daughter, gets into his car, and drives off.

He was singing along with the music on the radio when a car suddenly pulled out in front of him. His car screeched its brakes, and he cursed them under his breath before he could get out of his car. Three armed men rammed into his car.

Can I have the file? One of them spoke. His voice was icy.

What file are you talking about? I was screaming and running away in my head, away from these godforsaken people, but I kept my composure.

I won't ask again: where's the file? His voice was sharp and deep this time.

Can we just kill him and take the file? One of them said, "No killing," to which the first guy replied.

Can we break something? He asked again, pressing his shoulders.

Yeah, but don't go too far, the first man replied.

"You don't have to break anything, just tell me what you want and I'll do it." Cheng blurted out.

The time for cooperation has passed; he doesn't repeat himself, the third guy said.

"Please, we don't have to do this," Before Cheng could talk again, he got a jab from one of the guys on his shoulder, and he screamed in pain. Another jab hit his head with the bottom of the gun, and not able to move or struggle, they rummaged through his car and took the file. With one last look, the second guy shot him in the thigh, and they left him for dead.

Zhan was getting restless waiting for Cheng. It's unlike him. He never misses his calls or does not reply to his messages.

Mrs. Bin came in quickly because there was no point in waiting any longer; two weeks is plenty of time to get everything ready for the wedding. Mrs. Xiao baked cookies and cake with ice cream since it was Ziyi's favorite. When everyone was done, they bid goodbye and left.

Zhan was getting furious, but he knew something had happened to Cheng. He'd never leave him when he needed him the most.

A few minutes later, his phone rang, jolting him back to reality. It was a call from Li. What did he want? He paused before picking up the call.

Yes, what do you want? sounding irritated.

You need to come to the hospital right now. Li Bowen yelled through the phone.

Hospital. Why, what happened? He asked again, sounding indifferent.

I called Cheng an hour ago, and a nurse picked up the call and told me a passerby rushed him to the hospital.

Not listening to Li, Zhan ended the call and ran out of the house and into the car, driving out like he was being chased by a ghost.

When he got to the hospital, his heart sank when he saw Cheng, his head wrapped in a bandage, a gunshot to his thigh, and a dislocated shoulder.

He brawled and wailed when a nurse rushed to him and asked him not to disturb the peace of other patients.

He swallowed his tears and rushed to see the doctor. Luckily, he was also coming out of his office to see Zhan.

How is he? Zhan asked, and his voice sent shivers down Li's spine.

He looked at Zhan and shook his head.
The doctor assured them that in an hour or two, he'd be awake. His head injury was not serious, and they fixed his shoulder. His thigh will take a little longer to heal, as the wound is deep, but he will survive.

Zhan took a deep breath, thanked the doctor, and walked back to where Cheng was. He messaged everyone to inform them about what had happened.

Although Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Wang, Haikuan, Nana and Lu knew what had happened to Cheng, they kept the rest of the family in the dark. They said it was rubbery.

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