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3 months later
Yibo is obsessed with shopping ever since he found out he is having a daughter, as he is making online orders, he buys things every time he goes to the mall... He is super excited and can't wait to meet his daughter.

A week before his CS appointment, his mom came to stay with him. Nana and Mrs. Xiao couldn't go but they called him on video call every day.

As the days are getting closer he is getting emotional and cries every day. I wish Zhan ge is here. But Xuan Lu and his mom never got tired of his peevish attitude!!! They take turns massaging his feet, meet up with all his cravings, and avoid things that make him queasy.

Delivery day

Yibo, we will not live at the hospital, so stop packing; we only need a few items, okay? Allow me to assist you with your packing! His mother said.

Xuan Lu massaged Yibo's feet while he sat.

Mrs. Wang prepared the items they would require at the hospital.

Let's get started. Yibo, we're ready; they arrived at the hospital, spotted Yibo's gynecologist, walked him in, and got him ready for surgery!

Yibo was nervous, but he was relieved to have his mother and Xuan Lu beside him. I'll call you after the baby is out, he video-phoned his Nana and Mrs. Xiao. Bye.

Mrs. Wang and Xuan Lu were pacing up and down outside, praying!

Zhan noticed his mother was agitated. Are you all right, Mum? He inquired.

Yes, I'm perfectly alright. Are you certain, Mum? You appear concerned!

I'm perfectly fine. Just hold me until I say otherwise.

He sat next to his mother and grasped her hand.

The nurses arrived three hours later. Mrs. Wang and Xuan Lu raced up to them, asking, "How are my son and granddaughter?"

Mrs. Wang, they're fine. Congratulations, they have been transferred to a new ward. You may see them right now!

Mrs Wang texted Nana and Mrs Xiao to let them know that Yibo and the baby are fine. And would contact them once they were together.

Mrs. Xiao exclaimed, "ahhh Thank God!" She was overjoyed, and she thanked Zhan for staying with her. You should be happy for us. I have a granddaughter and you have a beautiful daughter, she thought.

I'm happy for you, mum, whatever it is! He stood up and left.

When Mrs Wang and Xuan entered Yibo's ward, they hugged him and kissed his forehead. When Mrs Wang saw the baby, she screamed, "Omg, she is Zhan's female version". She's so beautiful.

Welcome to the world, baby. I'm your favorite aunt. They snapped pictures and called Nana with Mrs. Xiao.

Aww sweet angel, look at her like her dad is running away!!! Mrs. Xiao said

Nana asked if she could pick a name for her
"Xiao Chu" Yibo replied with so much emotion in his voice, he started tearing up.

Are these tears of joy or what? Yibo, we're here for you, and if Zhan is yours, he'll find his way back to you, okay!! Now stop crying. Having a daughter is a tremendous joy, so cherish and care for her.

Yibo just nodded and wiped his tears. He fixed his gaze on her and smiled. Why do you resemble your father so much? Pearl.

God works in mysterious ways, my beloved. Nana laughed.

Haikuan was meeting with Zhuocheng and the wife of Mr. Bin's accountant when Yibo sent him a text. He sent a picture of his little girl. He screamed with joy and excused himself to speak with Yibo.

Mum, I am with Zhuocheng. We just have one final document to collect, and Yibo can come home safely. She's so pretty, omg, and why does she look like Zhan? He shrilled.

Who looks like Zhan? Zhuocheng blurted out, rolling his eyes with furrowed brows!!!

Let me call you back, mum. Haikuan said.
Let me talk to her. Zhuocheng snatched the phone! Omg, Yibo, are you okay? What are you doing in the hospital? Yibo smiled, "Zhuocheng ge, you're now an uncle. I just had a baby."

He aimed the camera at the child. It rendered Zhuocheng speechless. Saying nothing, he kept opening and closing his mouth. Haikuan took the phone from him, ended the call, and told him everything!

It disappointed him that they had withheld something like that from him, including his own sister. "You don't trust me any longer," he admitted.

It's not about trust, and your sister acted on Nana's desire to keep it a secret because Mr. Bin is now stalking your mother.

Xiao Zhan is your friend! When he annoys you, you might say it or indirectly tell him, and we don't want that to happen. I'm sorry we kept it a secret.

You don't regard me as family. He walked away, rolling his eyes.

Xiao Zhan met with Zhuocheng to talk about the outcome of the meeting. The wife's accountant is looking for her husband's flash drive. She said it might be at his old office, but she's scared to go because of Mr. Bin. But we have everything.

What's on the flash drive, Zhan asked?

Recording of their meetings. We have to find a way to get it.

I can get that since I go to Mr. Bin's office twice a week!! Leave that to me!

How is Yibo? Have you heard from him since he left? He asked, looking the other way.

I heard he is happily married and lives in Thailand. Zhuocheng smirked.

Zhan was aghast, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He felt dizzy. I'll get the flash drive, "he said without looking at Zhuocheng.

Okay, Zhan, Zhuocheng just smirked.

Zhan got the flash drive for Zhuocheng. I'm sure you and Haikuan knows what to do. Put all the evidence together. There's something I need to do. After leaving the house, Zhan drove straight to the airport.

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