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Zhan has been in Thailand for three weeks and doesn't know where to find Yibo. He used all the local detectives and private investigators, but no one by that name came through all the airport ledgers or any of the universities...

Zhan sat at the poolside, pondering if he should ask Haikuan about Yibo. When he got a text from Mr. Bin.

Stop searching for Yibo in Thailand, come home and marry my daughter, or it'll be disastrous for him and his family. I won't hesitate to kill them. I'm giving you two days to get here and start making wedding preparations. He sent a picture of Yibo with Xuan Lu at a restaurant.

Zhan wondered why Yibo was with Lu, but he shrugged the thought off and stared at his chubby face. Mr Bin, I'm sure you don't know, but your doom is near. Zhan screamed in frustration.

His heart melted as he looked at the picture on his screen. Uncontrolled tears seeped from his eyes.

Zhan took the next available flight to Beijing. "Went straight to Bin's residence.
Zhan bowed to 90 degrees and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Bin"

"Mr. Bin, why don't you and your family come to the house this weekend? Everyone will be around. Let's discuss the wedding plan."

"He gave Ziyi the gift he got for her." and left.

Is there anything you want to tell me, Mum? Zhan inquired as soon as he arrived home!

There was confusion in his father's mind. What are you talking about, Zhan, his father inquired?

Why don't you ask your wife "his voice was cold"?

It was the first time Zhan spoke to them like that!

Would you mind explaining what's going on? Turning toward his wife, Mr. Xiao asked.

I don't know, why don't we ask Zhan she said.

Don't even think of lying or hiding the truth from me. His voice got colder and more mean.

Zhan, don't be rude to your mother. A yell of anger erupted from Mr. Xiao.

Oh really, I shouldn't be rude. Why did she keep it away from me? He yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks. He hardly cries. What could be the problem? His dad thought.

Do you know anything about Yibo? His question shocked both of his parents.

Her body stumbled as she tried to stand up.
He rolled his eyes and replied coldly, "I am listening."

Despite her chaotic mind, Mrs. Xiao summoned courage and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Mr Xiao got angry and said, what the hell is wrong with both of you? There is no peace in my mind at home because both of you make me feel unhappy.

As Mrs Xiao moves closer to him, she rubs his back. Zhan, she whispers, could you please tell us what's bothering you? Baby.

After pulling out his phone from his pocket, Zhan showed his parents the picture. They are married, right? Taking a deep breath, he mumbles.

His parents were cracking up, and his mother secretly felt relieved. She recalled the photo of Xuan Lu and Yibo that they had taken at a restaurant before Yibo left for his doctor's appointment, but how did he get it?

How did you get this? She asks, looking tense.

Mr. Bin sent it to me when I traveled to Thailand to look for Yibo. Zhan could feel his mom was hiding something, but he didn't know what.

I remember this picture. Lu and Yibo snapped this picture at a restaurant in Shanghai before he traveled to study abroad. She lied under their noses. But how did Mr. Bin get it? She whispered.

I don't know how he got it, but you have not answered my question. Are they married? Zhan asks not to look at his parents.

No, baby, they're not married. Lu visited her fiance's parents in Beijing, and I visited your aunts. I went to visit the Wangs briefly. She said, thanking her stars within her mind that he did not know the truth, but that was close, very close. They had to move somewhere else now that Mr. Bin had tracked them to Alaska.

Zhan let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. His parents both raised their brows at him. Mr. Bin and his family are coming over the weekend to talk about marriage formalities, he explained as he proceeded to his room. leaving his parents perplexed.

Suddenly, he's crying. Yibo got married, and the next moment Ziyi's parents are coming over.

He spoke to Zuocheng and everything was in place. He wanted them to eat and drink so Zuocheng would come a little late. His father is relieved that they will put this behind them.

Meanwhile, Li Bowen has been following Zuocheng and has finally found something. All of his efforts will not be in vain, he reasoned as he grinned within.

Ziyi is excited to marry Zhan, and she will not let Li Bowen ruin her wedding again.

Mrs. Xiao informed Haikuan that Zhan had flown to Thailand to look for Yibo. Mr. Bin had sent him a picture of Yibo with Lu a few weeks after they arrived in Alaska. They must move to another country. He won't know Yibo has a daughter until they deal with him. "I'll speak with Lu," Haikaun murmured, his tone tinged with sadness.

Saturday came so quickly, and Zhan has been fantasizing about being with Yibo after Mr. Bin was exposed. When he found out Yibo was married, his heart was in turmoil, and the image of Yibo with Lu devastated him. He disliked the fact that they appeared to be genuinely happy.

Mr. Bin came with Yu Bin, and Ziyi, their mother, went to a meeting and promised to meet them there.

The aroma of food made their noses flare and their throats water when they arrived at Xiao's house.

Ziyi is overjoyed since she is marrying her dream man. However, Yu Bin is upset because they chased away his one crush and no one knows where he was, including his closest buddies.

As he escorted them inside, Zhan smiled and welcomed them.

Can we eat? Yu Bin frowned, uninterested in the conversation that was about to begin.
Mr. Xiao grinned at his childish expression and invited the family to join them at the table.

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