Two headshots of betrayal

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"Hey, Ari." My ONLY friend, Rilee greeted me as I entered the school.

"Hey Ri." I responded with a warm smile.

As usual, the hallways were flooding with students. Some were chit chatting, while others were making out. Some were just walking casually and some just arrived.

Rilee nudged my arm, and groaned. I looked at her with a confused look. "Look who's coming. 12 o'clock."

I looked to where direction she was looking, and I saw Chantelle, along with her boyfriend, or should I say, boy toy; Cato. (pronounced as: K- toe)

Her being the leader of the cheerleading squad, and him being the top basketball player, sure made them the most popular people in the school.

I must say though, she hates my guts and I have no idea why. There would be times they would call me names, tell me to kill myself and die, and sometimes, her and Cato hurts me.

"Well, well, look who's here. The garbage, sl-t." She said and laughed as Cato just smirked and muttered a 'b-tch' to me. Her squeaky voice made me flinch.

I looked down, fighting the urge to actually fight back but that would not turn out good. Knowing they would beat me up til' I turn into a bloody pulp.

Suddenly, She slapped me hard, in the face, causing me to wince in pain and my neck to slightly make a crack sound.

I held my cheek lightly, as tears wanted to fall, I tried my best to hold them back but it freely rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh, the wittle baby's crying. Does it hurt, cause there's more from where it came from. Cato, finish her off will you, babe?' She said in a baby-like voice, and winked at Cato, then fluttered her thick, fake lashes.

"No problem, babe. I'll be sure to beat her up real good." He said, looking at me with an evil smirk on his face, as he cracked his knuckles, slowly approaching me like he was a predator and I was his delicious prey.

As he was close enough, towering my small figure, he grabbed a fist full of my hair harshly and punched me in the stomach, making me want to vomit the last thing I ate.

I coughed weakly, holding my throbbing stomach. Cato pulled my hair, causing me to stand up as he slammed me to a nearby locker that hit my temple hard.

"Ari!" I heard the voice of my bestfriend who was pleading Cato to stop but was held back by Cato's stupid little assh_oles. a.k.a his friends.

You see, Rilee isn't bullied like me. She was somehow popular around here, but chose to be my friend. I love her dearly.

I winced in pain and agony as the pain builded up quickly, I closed my eyes and cried silently.

"Let's go. Let's finish her some other time." Cato said smirking, and they walked away laughing.

As soon as they left, Rilee ran towards my side and cried silently, caressing my bruised cheek. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to defend you from those ruthless a--holes. I'm such a pathetic excuse for a bestfriend! I--"

She rambled about how she was a bad friend but I cut her off by saying, "You're completely out of your mind, Ri. It's okay, alright? The most important thing is, you're my bestfriend no matter what happens."

She nodded her head and hugged me

Why? Why are they doing this to me?

What have I done to them?

"Mom?" I called out, hoping she would answer — but of course, she probably had drunken herself up again.

I took my shoes off, tossed my jacket on the rack weakly and made my way upstairs but was suddenly stopped by a hand grabbing my arm. I was about to pull out a pathetic ninja move the first thing in my mind until I saw who that person was and calmed done.

My step-brother, Justin, was standing in shock as he saw all the fresh bruises starting to form from my neck down to my arm and hands. I pulled away, trying to cover these disgusting bruises of mine.

"Ari? W-what happened?"

"Oh, haha. You see, we were playing dodge ball for physical education today — and you know how much I suck at that right? Of course, I was an easy target. The weakling!" I lied quickly and automatically facepalming myself for that stupid lie that I just made up knowing damn well that I suck at lying.

Let me tell you about Justin... as I've said, he's my older step-brother. Well, he's only like two years older than me and a busy bee with his college life.
Before my parents got married, my Mom had her first family — which obviously did not work out because the guy ditched her when he found out he was pregnant with Justin and ran away like a douchebag. Years later, my Mom found her prince charming, of course, my dad.

"Who did this?" He said angrily and slammed his fist. I guess he didn't believe that lie..?

I remained silent, hoping he would drop the subject and would just stop asking because honestly, I was running out of lies.

"Ari, I was the captain of the dodgeball team way back when I was still in highschool and to remind you, I'm the head captain in my current college so don't bullshit me because I know these bruises aren't from dodgeball." He replied in a 'duh' tone but of course, was still raging with anger.

I gave up explaining as tears streamed down my face like it's some kind of fountain. Justin pulled me to his chest, giving me a comforting hug and just stood there.

Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'alls know that I had re-edited this chapter for a better reading!

- Clau xo

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