Chapter Fourteen

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*Ari's POV*

The next thing I need to do is escape this stupid place. I'm sick of being here. Where's Cato?

Chanelle hasn't come back yet, but I do hope Cato received the letter I put in Cato's bag.

Gosh, I totally need an escape plan right now but I sure as heck know it would be pretty useless.

Few minutes later, a door slammed, startling me. What the heck was that? I remained silent, sitting on my sit to make it look like I was still in the same position when she left.

It was silent for a moment outside. Now curiousity was getting into me.

"Move aside!" A voice said from behind the cold doors shouted. Chanelle.

The doors suddenly flew open, causing me to flinch and my heart dropped to my stomach to see what she was holding.

A gun.

"Chanelle, w-what are you d-doing?" I stammered nervously.

"Shut up, you little b-tch!" She yelled, pulling my hair so hard that I swear it's about to get ripped out of my scalp.

What did I possibly do to make her go wild ape on me?!

"Because of you, Cato doesn't love me anymore!" She spat angrily, wrapping her hand on my neck and putting pressure that it was impossible to even breathe.

Well duh, that's what I've always wanted to tell you.

but of course I didn't say that to her, unless I want to get killed right here, right now.

"That is none of my concern, Chanelle. If he doesn't love you, he doesn't so suck it up." I managed to say.

Her eyes turned to beyond fury, and that must hit a nerve.

"What the f-ck did you say?" She menacingly said, burning holes in my eyes.

"You heard me." I said clearly, glaring at her. "Go to hell you b-tch." I whispered as I stabbed the knife I was holding, in her back.

She yelped as her hold on me loosened and I was able to stand up and run away.

My body felt weak, that it was somehow impossible to walk.

Before I could even reach the door, I heard a click. and I sure as hell know what it was. The blood in my body suddenly drained.

"Move, and you die." Chanelle said evilly, standing up from the ground as she pointed the gun at me.

I sighed, slowly turning around. Gosh, my heart was beating so fast that I swear it feels like it's gonna burst out in my chest.

"Go on. Try escaping and this bullet will be in your heart with just a blink of your eye." She growled.

What am I supposed to do now?! I have no more choices left and this is really scaring the living crap out of me.

"Chanelle, can we just please sort this out? Just put the gun down." I said slowly, hoping I have possibly convinced her but that must have just made it worst.

She humorlessly laughed like I was out of my mind or like telling a kidnapper to let me off the hook.

"Darling, you can never bribe me out of this. What is made, will be done."

This was it, I was gonna die today and I knew it. I was scared sh!tless.

Instead of listening to the evil witch, I mean, b!tch.. I ran and opened the door, and I was shocked at who was standing before me.

"A-Ari? my baby." The voice of my love said, his eye filled with brokeness, pain and hurt.

Before I could answer, I checked to see where Chanelle was, and she was still pointing the gun towards me, with a smirk.

I turned around, and now me and Chanelle were facing each other. Cato was behind me, and I quickly whispered to him that to say out of the way and he just simply nodded and not complaining.

"Bye." She smirked, and before I knew it, she already clicked the trigger.

I instantly felt a sharp pain in my chest, making it impossible for me to breathe. She had shot me. My body weakened and my vision became blurry.

I was so weak that I suddenly lost all strength in my body, so I waited for the hard impact against the cold floor, but it didn't happen. A pair of strong arms made me stop from falling, and I knew it was my love. Cato.

"Ari, sh!t. Please be okay." He pleaded, his eyes were filled with pain.

"C-Cato, I love you. Thanks for saving me." I managed to croak out, I placed my hand on my chest, and I could feel thick liquid flowing out. My had started to shake as I saw the amount of blood.

and after that, I didn't know what else happened. Cato's faint pleading called me, but then, everything went pitch black.


Hello my bebes mwehehe okay sooo, I updated late once again, and I'm really sorry for that  I've been busy these passed months esp this month. (September) well, please don't delete this story in your library. I love you guys to pieces, don't forget that if you have any questions, or ideas, don't be afraid to private message me. I don't bite  and also, I promise I will reply. The next update will idea but I'll be sure it won't be after a month lol. Thanks for your love and support for this book. It means so much 

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- Skyla xox

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