A good slap by a ball

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Waking up from a terrible dream - or so I thought.
I remembered I was about to jump off, about to end my life because of all the crap that's been going on but something weird happened; a person stopped me from doing so. And that someone...was Cato. Can you actually believe that?

For all I know, he wants nothing to do with me. Everytime he looks at me, it seems as if I'm carrying an incurable disease.

I slowly opened my eyes to find an arm wrapped around my waist securely. My heart started pounding in my chest like a creature trying to get out of a cage.

My vision wasn't helping to say the least. It had gotten quite blurry so I blinked it away to get it back to normal. This unknown person looked oddly familiar for some reason.

His face was covered with his free arm so I slowly lowered it down to see his face. I was in utter shock. Cato.

This can't be happening right now. This can't be the person who saved my life.

I dug deep in my brain, looking for answers. But all these still seems unclear to me. I must have been staring at him for probably long enough to say,

"You know, checking out someone while they're sleeping is bad?" He said, with his signature smirk.

I snapped back to reality, realizing what an idiot I actually was staring at someone while they were asleep. But NO, I was not checking him out. Okay, I know he's good looking and all but I wasn't checking him out at all.

I rolled my eyes from his arrogant ass trying to flirt but I felt my cheeks heat up and I buried my face on the fluffy pillow. Why am I blushing?! Blushing from embarrassment - my brain answered back. Duh.

"Don't hide your face. It's adorable. You look like a tomato." He said as he took the pillow away, revealing my, like he said, tomato face.

"And you look like an ass." I replied, rolling my eyes again. Alright, maybe that was too mean?

"Well, that's something new. I was expecting more on the lines of, thank you for saving my life." He said in amusement while raising his eyebrow.

"I didn't ask you to..." I whispered, feeling like shit again after realizing what had happened the other night. I'm such a failure. Can't even get anything right!

He was silent but his eyes were scanning my face, as if studying it or something. Silence fell upon us as he continued staring but I shifted my eyes to the pretty flower on top of my desk.

Breaking the silence he said, "Uh hey, you were shivering like crazy last night and had a really high fever so I hope you don't mind when I cuddled you."

"After that incident last night, you fainted. I didn't know where you lived so I decided to bring you home instead...oh and um, I prepared some breakfast for us. I'll see you downstairs." With that he hopped off the bed and left to prepare our food.

What the hell did he eat that made him nice to me? This isn't the Cato I know. I actually feel guilty for acting like an idiot towards after what he had done for me yesterday night.

Who the hell knew, this guy, my bully, actually had a soft side in him? I didn't.

Before I went down, I decided to take a shower and realized I had no new clothes with me which sucked so badly. Walking in the bathroom, someone lightly knocked on the door. There he was, standing in front of the door with fresh clothes on his hands. "These were my Mom's. Use it for now." And left. Aw, sweet.

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