Chapter Ten

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Alright so, Me and Cato are doing pretty much great and there's no drama lately. Yay!

I was lying on my bed, closing my eyes while I was listening to music on the radio.

I got bored and thought of texting my boyfriend to check on him.

'Hey, babe. missin' you. :*'

I waited and waited for a reply or something, but nothing. I was starting to get worried and called him, but he wasn't replying. Where are you Cato?

I quickly wore a loose shirt and my jean shirts, then went out to look for him.

If I was Cato, where would I go...?

My phone started ringing like crazy in my pocket and the i.d read 'Cato'.

Like finally!

"Hello? Cato where are you?" I said in a very panicked voice.

"If you want your precious Cato back, you will have to find him. He's with me." A deep unfamiliar voice said from the other line.

My blood was drained out my body and I felt my knees go weak, and goosebumps starting to form my body.

"W-Who's this? and what did you do to Cato? Let him go." I said, trying to act calm and serious but instead sounded shakey and scared.

"Meet me at the alley near the park where you usually go to. Me and your boyfriend will be waiting, inside a black chevrolet car." He said in a deep voice sending me chills down my spine then he hung up.

Cato, please be alright. I love you.


Cold wind was surrounding the open air, which made me chatter my teeth and shiver.

I had on a thick sweater and my black boots I recently bought.

I am now at the park at the moment and looking for the alley where the mysterious guy who called said.

After 15 minutes of searching the park for an alley, I actually found it. Yay me.

My stomach had this knot like something is definitely gonna go wrong.

"H-Hello?" My voice echoed through the dark alley.

It was dead silent that all I could hear was my footsteps and my teeth chattering.

My eyes caught a flickering light which kind of scared me, I mean who knows what's in this alley?

Finally, I saw a black chevrolet car as said. I quickly tiptoed going there and see if the coast was clear. When I knew that no one was there but probably Cato inside unconcious, I slipped in the drive's seat and drove away. Stupid, I know. What else was I supposed to do then?

I looked for the keys hurriedly and kept on checking to see if the coast was still clear, you never know when there's ninjas waiting to attack you. (Yes, I'm exaggerating)

As I already found the keys and turned on the engine, I made my way out of the deep, dark alley. I drove away about 3 blocks away from the alley and decided to stop the van and help Cato.

"Stealing my van wasn't such a good idea." A familiar voice said, coming out from the radio thingy. Holy Crap, it was the guy who called earlier.

"Anyway, I knew you were going to do this. so I planned something. You'll face your consequences, pretty girl." He added in a deep, husky scary voice which sent goosebumps all over my body.

I immediately stepped on the break, but it seemed like it wasn't working. Oh gosh please don't tell me he took out the breaks.

"Watch out!" An old man who was in another car yelled at me, pointing to the direction where the van was speeding fast into - a big old oak tree.

I was hopeless, I couldn't do anything because the van's speed was too fast, and the breaks weren't even working.

All I can do right now is pray, close my eyes and hope for the best.

Within seconds, the van crashed into the tree, and the impact was so harsh that pain was sent to everywhere of my body which lead me to unconciousness.


Guys! oh my glob please don't hate me for not updating for sooooo long. I had a writer's block. :/ anddd, I've been so dang busy! Tomorrow night, I will go back to Philippines for vacation for about a month, so I'm not entirely sure if I can even update. but I will try! :) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. not that long but thrilling right? :)) I wonder who was that mysterious person? hmmm... :)) anyway, HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!!!! Can't believe it's 2014. :D love guys to chocolate pieces. :*

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- Ira xox

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