Chapter Thirteen

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*Ari's POV*

-2 weeks later-

Two weeks had past. and what I said to Cato was heartbreaking. That was the most painful thing I have ever done in my whole life. I'm so sorry, Cato but that was the only choice I got..

I've had several different bruises, scratches, and wounds. The worst one would be probably the big wound on my left arm, that Chanelle did using her knife last night. and it hurts so much.

Chanelle was sitting in front of me, cleaning her nails, like she was the Queen. Actually, she is.. she's the Queen of Evil b!tches. Yeah, that sounds so right.

"Are you happy now?" I spat, but tried to act calm.

She smirked, putting away the nail pile down and looked at me, "I'm more than happy, darling. but that's just the beginning of my plan."

I scoffed in disbelief, "Who the hell is involved here?"

"Me, of course. and Mr. Greg." She said, smiling evily. If only I could slap that off her face. She'll pay for all of this.

"Mr. Greg?"I asked. Who the hell is that?

Her face became surprised and she laughed, "You don't know him? Wow."

"Just tell me." I said impatiently, glaring at her.

"Cato's oh, so loving Father." She replied with a smirk.

My body went numb, my eyes went wide, and I was trying to process this whole thing in my brain. Cato's father was invovled in this? Holy macaroons.

"b-but why?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because he was pissed that Cato didn't come back home and didn't know where he was. So when I told him you lived together, he got so mad. and that's when we planned everything." She explained while shrugging.

That is the most stupid thing ever. Well, these people isn't smart as well so it's aight.

"Let me go, please.." I begged.

"I'm not letting you go easily," She said.

She walked over to me, smirking and played with the tip of my hair. Ew, germs. "You got a pretty necklace."

"I-It was a gift from my Dad before he left.." I replied, looking away.

Without any warning, she held on my necklace and snapped it off. I gasped at the sharp pain that crawled up my neck.

"Too bad it's mine now." She smirked, laughing evily.

"No! Not my necklace! That's the only thing I have left." I shouted, tears flowing down my cheeks. I tried breaking free, but it was useless. and it was pointless arguing with her. Unless I wanted a new wound or a bruise.

Tip - Never ever argue with an idiot.

but the usual her completely ignored me. "Stay here. I'll go get your food." She said boringly, as she walked out the door.

Tears sprang in my eyes; I couldn't take it anymore. I hurt Cato and I'm sure as hell he's not going to come and look for me anymore because I made it clear that I don't want to see him again.

I looked around the room for anything sharp to cut the ties on my hands off. As I was searching, I saw something shine from the ray of the light; a knife.

It wasn't really far away from me. I just needed to move my chair a bit and take it using me feet. I placed me feet flat on the ground, trying to jump slowly so the chair wouldn't make a sound.

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