Chapter Eleven

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Cato's POV

It was another typical day of another typical Saturday. I was actually on my way to the Flower shop to buy my beautiful girlfriend some red roses and then head to the coffee shop to buy her some brownies and coffee, her favorite.

I then saw the nearest flower shop come in view, and I went in. It was a nice flower shop place; They sold different fresh flowers and seemed like it was just picked today.

As I was choosing, there was a really stranger guy following me around inside, like he was spying on me or something. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite see his face, considering the fact he was hiding his face with his hoodie.

A message suddenly came in, and it was from Ari saying, "Hey, babe. missin' you. :*" I couldn't help but smile at her message. She always gave me sweet messages that sometimes turned my bad mood into a good one. One of the many things why I love her so much.

I held on my phone for a while, about to reply but I forgot I needed to get the flowers first before replying. As I was walking of the cashier, someone bumped into me hard, making me drop a few things.

I looked up and saw it was the strange guy who bumped into me just now, he kneeled down and helped me pick my things up.

"Sorry." He muttered and gave me my things, then left. I didn't even get to see his face!

Huh? Okay then..

As soon as I got everything for Ari, I walked heading to her house.

"Well, it's unexpecting seeing you here." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around out of my curiousity and saw the person standing infront of me.

"Chantelle," I hissed, glaring at her,

"What the hell do you want from me?" I asked harshly.

She laughed evily while shaking her head and said, "Not happy to see me? Don't you even miss me, baby?"

"Oh, and are those for me?" She asked, pointing to the fresh flowers I bought and the Starbucks plastic I was holding.

I turned the things away from her before she got it and said, "No. This aren't for you, these are for my girlfriend. and You're right, I don't miss you and I'm really not happy to see your b!tch self again. Oh, and don't call me baby." I said angrily, glaring at her.

"Your girlfriend? Oh.. you mean that b!tch Ari? You deserve someone better, Cato. Like me." She purred, wrapping her arms on my neck.

I laughed humourlessly. This girl is unbelievably stupid.

"Don't. ever. call. her. a b!tch again, understand? Because the b!tch here is you." I enphasized each word, making sure she got it, and made sure she had it marked in her head.

She looked afraid for awhile, seeing the way she was fiddling with her fingers when she was either afraid or nervous, or both. Suddenly, her scared face turned into an evil smirk, and said, "Oh well, go on ahead to where ever your going, your little Princess might be in danger, and needs her Prince rescuing her."

I glared at her warningly, wanting to strangle her, but I'm not the kind of guy to hurt girls.

Finally after that stupid conversation with that psycho, I headed to Ari's house. I was already in front of her front porch.

I knocked twice and there was no one at home. Her parents might be out or something? I took out a spare key, which Ari gave me because she trusted me, and her parents as well.

As soon as I unlocked the door, I ran to her room to surprise her, but when I opened her bedroom, it was empty. No one was there; Her window was wide open, I wonder why. She never opens her window when she goes out.

I dug in my pocket for my phone but.. it wasn't there. I started panicking, and remembered when that guy from the flower shop bumped into me, and took my phone with him while he was helping me pick my stuffs up.

I groaned in frustration, and suddenly noticed a note sitting on her side table, waiting for it to be read.

"If you want your Princess back, meet me at the alley near the park. Before I have her for my own."

That's what the note said.

My body froze, not knowing what else to do. I leaped out her room, and running towards the place where the note said. Please be okay, please be okay. I chanted in my head while I zoomed off like buzz lightyear.

I was now at the only park near Ari's place, and the alley where the note said. At the moment, I wasn't feeling the very best. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, sweat was starting to form slowly down my face, and my body was feeling numb, that I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a man started yelling crazily in the middle of the street, near the park. "Help, help! Please somebody help!"

Then, curiousity hit me, making me run over to the man and ask what was wrong. He looked very pale, and was shaking uncontrollably and he couldn't even open his mouth to speak. I was starting to get worried now. because whatever the problem was, it looked like terrible. Judging how this man looked.

"Please relax. Just show me, and I'll help you." I said, trying my best to say it calmly.

He nodded eagerly, and started to run towards a dark alley. My mind was going crazy! I hope this wasn't the alley the note said.

As we were running towards wherever the problem was, I immediately stopped dead in my tracks, to see a black Chevrolet car turned in an upside down position, and it hit a big old oak tree. This car wasn't really familiar to me at all, so it must be a good thing?

I turned around to see the man still shaking, but gladly, he calmed down and finally spoke. "I-I was driving this way an hour ago, and then a black Chevrolet car came zooming down beside me, and crashed in that old oak tree. I shouted and said to look out, but it was too late. After that, I went down my car to help that person, but then two big muscular men carried her away somewhere but I couldn't see where they brought her because I wasn't wearing my glasses and it was quite dark in this alley, but I did see her head was dripping blood, a lot." and now, he was sobbing on my shoulder.

Her? No, no, it must be another person. Yeah, it might be.

"W-what does s-she look like?" I managed to ask, scared of what he was about to answer.

He sniffed and said, "S-she had long slightly curly brown hair, and, and bluish-green eyes. That's all I can remember, and then she crashed into that tree."

Then it hit me, My Ari was in that car, and then two men carried her away somewhere.

I thanked the man, and started to look for my girl but she was no where in sight. I shouted in frustration, bending my knees and putting my hands on my head. Silently crying, hoping she was alive.

"Please, please, be alive Ari. I know you're strong. Please come back. I love you." I mumbled, and sobbed.

Then suddenly, Chantelle's words replayed in my head, "Oh well, go on ahead to where ever your going, your little Princess might be in danger, and needs her Prince rescuing her."

Could she be involved in this?


Who could have kidnapped Ari?! Poor Ari and Cato :( Anyway, hey hey people! I love this chapter so far, don't you? Please comment what you think, it would be really appreciated! and oh, please check out my other stories! Thanks for the support guys. ;) and I'll try to reply to your comments if I can. Stay tuned for the next chappie! Ilololoveyou all to pieces! <3 :*

- Ira xox

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