Deceived -- again?

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It has been exactly two weeks since that little fiasco with Chanelle. That bruja is an absolute psycho. She's been spamming Cato with messages and missed calls; sent me death threats, even. 

Chemistry class right now was making me see stars and things you don't see in a right state. I was tired and just wanted to curl up in my bed right now. But sadly, exams are right around the corner, I just can't slack off too much as I already am. At least I'll try to get one thing in my life right. That's to finish my studies and get my two feet back together.

*riiing riiing*

"Ahh, it's lunch time." I thought. Time flew by quick. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled like a little chimpanzee who hasn't eaten for days. 

I quickly gathered my stuffs and shoved my things in my bag, not even bothering to arrange them as my main goal was to bring my bum to the cafeteria and fill this growling stomach with some supposedly edible  cafeteria food. Our school had pretty okay foods we could choose from at least, thank goodness.

Man, this school thing is stressing me out so much. Being too distracted by the various visual menu of foods in my head, I wasn't able to notice that Cato was leaning on the classroom's doorframe, waiting for me. Still feels weird that this certain human being is actually friends with me. He was wearing a blue shirt, black pants and a pair of NIKE airforce 1. 

He was busy looking down on his phone doing whatever he's doing. I didn't want to wave and approach first because that would definitely cause another wave of issue here in school. As I was deep in my thoughts, Cato let out a small chuckle and said, "Am I really that handsome?"

I immediately gave him a scowl, complaining about his sudden ego upboost under my breath. "Yeah, right. In your dreams."

As I was about to walk past him, he grabbed my arm and engulfed me in a hug that I...melted in. Wait gross, how cheesy.

I felt weak on my knees, like I was about to fall any minute now. Gladly everyone had already left to go eat or whatever they had after classes. This was so embarrassing if anyone were to see me in this state -- like Cato right now.

"You know why I kissed you?" He whispered in my ears, which sent goosebumps in my body.

"N-No. As if I care." I jokingly said, rolling my eyes playfully but honestly, I was dying inside. The adrenaline inside my body was as high as a rollercoaster. 

"Because.." He whispered, dragging his sentence.

I waited for him to continue, "That's a secret. I can't tell you.. yet." He said and looked into my eyes.

"Yeah sure, quit messing with me and let's go grab food. I'm STARVING!" I quickly changed the topic and pretended to completely ignore his comment.

"Hm, suit yourself then. Let's go!" He said as he grabbed my hand and made our way to the cafeteria. The walk there was quiet but the kind where I found it comforting having someone beside me.

"Let's sit over there," He said pointing to the table where his friends usually sit. "I'll go grab out food. What did you want?" 

"Hm, I'm thinking of a salad and nachos? Then a can of milk tea please." I replied with a smile. "I'll pay you later."

"Nah, it's on me. You go sit and wait for me." Then proceeds to walk up the line waiting to order. He glances back at me and gave me this really cute heartwarming smile. 

I nodded my head, smiled and walked over to his friends.

"Hey A!" The guys, Cato's friends said.

Funny how these guys used to hate me because of Cato and I's little hatred against each other. I mean, that's something to prove they're loyal friends, yeah? 

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