Tables have turned

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"She's not a filthy trash. You are. Now, Get your filthy face away from me, Chanelle. I don't love you anymore." Cato growled as she lightly pushed Chanelle off of him.

She laughed and said, "Seriously? You're choosing her.." and pointed a finger at my face.

"..over me? You can't do that!" She continued with disbelief.

"Yes and, Oops, Just did." said Cato.

He extended his hand out for me to reach and help me stand up - then wrapper his left arm around my waist.

"Ari is beautiful and gorgeous to me, Unlike you." He spat angrily, shoving her backwards as he led me out that chaotic room."Let's go." Cato said as he pulled my hand gently.


When we were walking down the hallways, the atmosphere was filled with silence him and I. In all honesty, I couldn't tell whether it was an awkward or comfortable silence. He seemed really upset and I couldn't blame him. He was the most well know guy (well known for bullying me too) in this school after all. For him to defend a lame and unwanted person like me wasn't probably the best.

"Cato?" I finally gained up the courage as I poked him twice on his back softly.

"Yeah?" He answered, looking at me with really concerned eyes. He was scanning my face like I was sometime of barcode he couldn't read.

"I-I just...I uhm, you see, I-- thank you. Thank you for standing up for me,"

"Do you regret and concerned that this might ruin your reputation?" I asked sadly, finally regretting on the fact of keeping him around. I mean, this guy was my bully. He hated me guts and so did I. Could I trust him? My guts says yet but trusting is never easy. I don't want to be disappointed.

"But why? I don't understand... you used to hate my guts even just by glancing at me made you want to go ballistic. Did...did they dare you to stay with me?" I continued. His head suddenly snapped at my direction, probably surprised at my questions. His concerned look faded away and was replace by guilt and anger. He lifted his hand and as reflex, I took cover waiting for the hit to land --- but it never came.

I slowly put my arms down and saw him walking down the hallway, leaving me without another look back. So it was true...?

"Cato, wait! Where are you going?" but he kept walking...and walking... until I could no longer see his back as he turned a left towards the exit.

Why? Why did he leave me? Was I being too harsh? Too sensitive???

I sighed deeply, adjusting my backpack and thought to myself, "I badly need a pee break before walking home alone."

Before I could even make my way towards the restroom there was someone -- or rather, there were people who blocked my way. My eyes widened realizing who they were. Yep, Chantelle and her defected Bratz dolls trailing behind her,

And here I thought today's drama was done. She never gets tired, does she?

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. You ready for round 2? 'Cause I'm not done with you, rat." Chantelle took a step closer to me and I felt my anxiety and anger rise through my throat.

My body started shaking, heart pounding and trying so badly not to attack her knowing that wouldn't end well on my end.

"We were done. You need to move on, barbie." I bitterly spat back, glaring deeply at her.

"Oh, so I see you got the guts to fight back now huh?" She asked in disbelief, grabbing a handful of my hair in her disgusting hands and a long, red acrylic nails.

"People change, Chantelle. But I see you never do." I smirked which probably ticked her off because I did not prepare myself by her slapping me across the face. When I say slap, it was an I-could-hear-my-neck-crack kind of slap, bro.

I held back my scream and wanted to show her that it did not hurt me even if it hurt like a million times. It was stinging so badly but I had to stand up for myself.

"Cato may have chosen you but that doesn't I'll stop hurting you. I will get him back as soon as this dare is over." another pain came through me as she kicked me in the shin. At this point, I couldn't hold back the pain anymore. I kneeled down crying, silently holding my painful shin.

Cato, where are you? What dare? Help me, please!

"Boys," Chantelle had a plan. An evil plan, I could tell.

"..Finish her up." She added as she handed them cash and walked away, leaving me behind.

"Please no... Please!" I whimpered quietly but my vision went black and...

...but it was too late.


It had been hours. 5 hours to be exact after that incident with Chanelle. Right now, I was left by those boys who had beaten me black and blue at a local park where no people usually go to. Hence why we are here,

I was shivering at this freezing and rainy night with only a shirt, well now a ripped shirt, and one shoe left on my feet.

My body was aching from all the blows they have given me; it resulted on me having cuts on my lips, chin, eyebrow area, and yeah a lot.

It's 2:30 am and I still haven't gone home yet. Cato had sent me 43 missed calls, 62 messages, and 20 voice calls. Now you're worried, huh?

>> Entering the apartment building<<

I'm really hoping no one sees me in this horrible state right now. At some point I'm thankful we got crappy and useless cctv cameras around here our complex. Those security guards might get scared seeing how I looked like a zombie straight out of a movie.

It was currently 3 minutes before 3 am. I have no idea whether Cato was still at home or decided to go back to their place.

Stepping foot out of the elevator was a disheveled and worried Cato sitting outside our front door, his hands grabbing his hair. He obviously did not get any sleep.

Hearing the elevator ring, his head looked up to and just... stared at me. He was speechless to say the least. He stood up, opening and closing his mouth as no words were formed.

"W-What happened to y-you?" His eyes turned dark and anger flooded his pupils.

"Ch-Chanelle. She paid a group of guys to beat me up." I explained calmly. As if I wasn't beaten black and blue. Was I immune to it now?

His facade changed from dark to soft as he slowly pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came into my mind...I'm so sorry Ari."

"It's fine, Cato." Wrapping my arms around him as I responded to his comforting hug. It's been way too long since I've had a real and sincere hug from someone.

"I promise to protect you from now on. I'm sorry for hurting you before. I was a complete douchebag! Being with those group of people pressured me into thinking if I did what they wanted, I'd be accepted into society. That I'd be like them. I left earlier because I was so angry that I used to be like them. I saw how broken you were back there at the gym and my mind went into a complete mess. To answer your questions earlier, no, it's not a dare to be with you. I don't care about my reputation. I'll be a better role model by fixing my mistakes. I know you can't easily trust me after all I've done but I'm willing to change myself for you, Ari. I want to protect you from now on and beat everyone who wants to lay a finger on you."

Hearing those words come from him melted my heart. I wanted to cry as it sounded music to my ear. Having being bullied constantly and hearing insulting comments everyday made me to not believe in happiness anymore. It made me not trust people's words. But this, this sounded sincere, I hope so.

"C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up. I'll get the aiding kit and I'll cook dinner after." He said, unlocking the door and leading me to my house.


Much love,


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