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"Wake up, sleepyhead." A voice said from behind me.

I groaned internally; hating to be woken up too early in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes, grabbing my phone as it brightly showed, 7:45 am and a bunch of notifications from my Mom.

The voice sighed, probably tired of trying to wake me up for the past 25 minutes. Geez, just give up already. "Breakfast is ready. Hurry your lazy butt up and let's eat while it's still warm... or I'll probably have to heat it up again for like the third time."

Tossing my phone to the side as I grabbed the big, fuzzy blankets over me and tried to zone off again. "I don't wanna eat..." I groaned, shutting my eyes again and threw a pillow at him. It was a pretty good shut when I heard an, 'oof' from him. Serves him just right!

"Fine." He finally gave up as he exited the room. Hearing his footsteps fade away, I snuggled back in the bed and tried to get more sleep.

I smiled and slept again but 10 minutes later, I heard his footsteps again. Probably thinking of waking me up again. Too bad. As soon as I tried to ignore him, a splash of cold water was spilled all over me! I gasped for air and suddenly leaping out of the now soaking bed. A fit of laughter was made as soon as I stood up; I was dripping and soaking wet. Looking over to the culprit, there was an idiot who had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Cato, seriously?!" I yelled furiously. Obviously in disbelief. You don't always see visitors splashing cold water on their sleeping host now, do we?

"You're cute when you're mad." He said and smirked, turning tomato red as he tried to hold back his laughter.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his flirty comment, scoffing at him and flipped my wet hair. "Shut up." I muttered and sent him the best death glare I could ever do.

"Hurry, breakfast is ready. It's the fifth time I've heated it up now." He said still chuckling and holding the bucket on his way out.

"You're an idiot." I muttered and huffed.

His head popped up the door frame and said, "I heard that."

"You were meant to." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him and tried throw a pillow at him.

His head popped up again, this time with a smirk on his face, "Oh, by the way. Loving the outfit."

"Right." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. What a flirty man.

He laughed and said, "I'd check myself in the mirror if I were you."

I rolled my eyes, still super annoyed and tried brushing away his comment. As I walked over to my closet passing by my full length mirror, I stopped dead in my tracks as the blood went to pool around my cheeks, looking almost a beetroot.

"Crap." I mumbled as I regretted my stupidity.

How would I even expect something like this would happen??? My embarrassment at this point made me want to scream my whole lungs out.

I hit my forehead lightly on the wall repeatedly, remembering how I probably looked like a lost puppy under the rain. How am I going to face him? Act natural, breathe...

Congratulations, Ari. You have bought a one way ticket to embarrassment and you ain't coming back.


After probably 10 minutes, which the 5 minutes I used up by staring at the wall and facepalming myself at the little incident that happened awhile ago; I changed into a pair of black shorts and just a plain ole' maroon shirt.

"Hey princess, come down and have breakfast. Food's still hot." Cato called out from downstairs.

Princess? More like damsel in distress.

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