Authors note (Please read!! It's important)

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Hey gummies, I know you guys probably won't read this because it's just another Authors note and not a new update. But please give this chapter a few minutes and read it! Okay so, I have made a new Youtube blogging account and the username is ClauriiKat. So please just go and check the video out and subscribe! This will really, really mean so much to me! if you guys do, I will post another chapter in no time! I will be blogging about how to be a good writer, crush advices, fashion tips, inspiring quotes, etc., I really, really, need your support guys. You have been supporting me in Wattpad, so please also do in my blogging accounts! ♥ You will be the best fans ever. Don't worry, I'll update as soon as possible! Please guys, don't forget to check it out. Will be posting more videos soon! i lololove you all SOOO much for being amazing, and supportive fans. I will never forget each and everyone of you. ♥

- Ira xox

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