Life threat to life save?

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"She looks... disgusting."

"Ew, stay away."

"She thinks she's so pretty?"

"Can she just kill herself?"

"I don't know how she thinks she belongs here."

"Look at her fooling herself thinking people care."

Were the words I hear first thing in the morning as I enter school. It was unbelievable how a rumor can make them turn their backs against you.

Half of the student body hates me, no, despises me. I don't mind, really. At least I'm minding my own business while they try to snoop on mine. I don't get it though; my life is nowhere near interesting nor even worth giving thoughts for. Why budge and waste their time? Ah, life and its wonders.

I just want to leave this world. Why stay when people hurt you? Why stay in a place where you're not, even an ounce, welcome? Why stay when you're not loved?  My patience in living this pathetic life is awfully running thinner than a thread. I can't take it anymore.

Walking through the hallway, somewhat similar to a walk of shame, I ignored (tried to at least) the nasty comments people were throwing at me. They were snickering, laughing bitterly, and gave me disgusted looks. 

I deeply sighed, lowering my head further to the books I was holding then a loud thud fills the room -- I had accidentally bumped into something, or someone. I gasped, as the books I was holding were now scattered on the floor and the notes I placed inside came flying. Just the best day!

"I-I'm so sorry--" I began to say but was rudely interrupted by a voice I dreaded to hear.

It was no other than, Cato. The Cato Allen.

"Damn, watch it!" He shouted, giving me an icy glare that made my heart race. He looked scary as hell.

"I-I'm so-sorry. I didn't see you." I explained, while picking up the books.

"Listen, I don't care! All I know is you're a worthless person who doesn't deserve to live in this world. No one loves you." He spat bitterly, pulling my hair forcefully and pushing me back, making me stumble.

At this point, my blood was boiling and was about to reach its peak, but I calmed myself before I was going to lunge at him and punch the living hell out of him. Of course, I knew better, he would win.

Yes, I was vulnerable and hopeless in the eyes of the people in this school, or anywhere at this matter. But once it passes my limits, I am going to murder you. Jail would probably be a better place to live in rather than in this hell hole of a school.

"And no needs an asshole like you in this school." I bitterly spat, pushing his chest angrily.

Okay, maybe that was a wrong move but hell, this guy needs to be put in his place. The king of this little community of rats and pests.

"What the hell did you just say?" He asked, gripping my shirt. His knuckles were turning white, and clearly, he was furious. Oops?

"What I just said." I said monotonously, glaring at him.

"Go to hell." He venomously said before slamming my back on the wall. I winced in pain as it made a hard impact on my back.


Today wasn't really a good day, I mean, who was I kidding? My days were always as terrible as my life. I had to deal with the douchebags at school while they beat me up and all they do is say crap about me.

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