Chapter Twelve

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(Ari's POV)

All I could see was darkness. Darkness that felt so... creepy. I couldn't move my body because it was aching like a b!tch.

What just happened to me?

I squinted my eyes, to make my vision come into a more clearer view, but all I saw was a dim light. I struggled moving, and tried to stand up but I suddenly realized I was tied up.

"Stop struggling, because there's no chance of you getting away." A voice suddenly said, which I didn't notice someone was here.

"W-where am I-I?" I managed to say, but more like croaked.

"You're in hell." The voice said, which sounded so familiar.

"W-who are you? Satan's daughter or son?" I said bitterly, making the venom in my voice leak.

"Be careful with what you say, b!tch. or else I will kill you right here, right now." Now I could hear her voice cleary, and it was a girl's voice.

"Oh, fierce." I replied, sarcastically and glared at the black shadow, which was her.

I wiggled on my seat, trying to get out. but was interrupted when someone's hand connected in my left cheek, making my neck crack a bit because of the impact. My tears started to tear up, and I groaned in pain.

"Be thankful it wasn't a knife, sweetie." She replied evily, and laughed.

It was so dark, and I couldn't see anything. Everything was so silent, all I could hear was droplets dropping in a bucket and the girl's movements.

"Why am I here? What the hell did I ever do to you?" I shouted, now tears were falling down my cheeks because I was that mad.

"You stole everything from me. Even my precious love one." She spat, then silence covered the whole room.

Finally she stepped out of the darkness and stood near the ray of light that was seeping through the broken window just right above me, and that's when I saw her face.

"Chanelle?" I whispered, sounding shocked in disbelief.

How legit is this day gonna get?

"Yes, it's me. You took Cato away from me, and my popularity became the lamest because of you."She spoke bitterly, glaring at me sharply. Her eyes sparkling in anger.

"I'll leave here in no time. Cato will find me." I said, my voice shaking a little.

Was he finding me? Will he ever find me?

Chanelle laughed in an evil way, making me flinch a little. "Cato will never find you. because by that time, You'll be dead."

My body started to sweat in fear, and my heart literally dropped like a hundred ton was added on my heart.

"He'll find me." I said once more, glaring at her then gulped.

"Too bad, darling. Cause you'll have to listen to me from now on and listen to what I tell you to do."

"You can't tell me what to do." I spat angrily.

"Oh really, now?" She asked, then slapped my across the cheek.

I hissed in pain, and closed my eyes, not letting my tears escape.

"That's what will happen if you don't." She said, then sat down beside me.

I'm so scared. What if Cato doesn't find me, and I die? Please help me, Lord.


(Cato's POV)

Pictures of me and Ari's photos we took before were scattered around my bed, I was scanning it one by one.

A smile cracked on my lips when I looked at the picture of me and Ari making funny faces. She still looked beautiful. I gently touched her face on the picture, slightly clenching my fists.

Where are you my precious, Ari?

Whoever took you, they will pay. I will find you, don't worry.

After a while, my phone started ringing on the counter table beside my bed; It was an unknown number calling. Who could this be?

"Hello?" I asked, waiting for someone to talk to on the other line.

"C-Cato?" That voice. It sounds so familiar, and this voice always made me have goosebumps.

My beautiful Ari.

"Ari?!" I said, surprised. Then immediately shot up my bed, that made all the pictures fly and scatter on the floor.

"Cato, listen," She said in an almost whispered tone. She sounds so hurt, weak, and in...pain.

"Ari, baby, where are you? Please tell me you're alright." I panicked, making my breathing go fast.

"I-I'm sorry, Cato. but I-I... I will kill myself. I'm so sorry, I can't take this anymore. Remember I always love you, forever and I still do. I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore but you'll always be in my heart. You deserve someone better, not me. I'm not worth to be living in this world. The pain made me want to just leave this earth, and I'm finally doing it now. Thank you for taking care, and loving me. For making me smile, a real smile. You changed my life in a better one but... I don't have much time to explain everything. I will always be here, beside you. I'm sorry for leaving. I love you so much Cato. but, I guess this is it..I love you so much. Goodbye, Cato."

Her last words, was so painful to register..

Those every word she said, was like newly sharpened knives stabbing me in my chest. I was standing, but knees were growing weak, my hands shaking uncontrollably, and my mind going crazy.

"No, Ari listen--" That was it, the other line went dead and all I heard was beeping sounds, saying it was done.

I collapsed on the floor, my hands were on my hair while grabbing it and cried and wailed. How am I going to live without her? I love her too much.

"F-CK!" I screamed so loud, kicking the side of my bed.

Why? Why does it have to come to his?


Hey darlings! Was this chapter alright? nyehehe. Alright so. Yesterday was our school Awards Banquet and it was so fun! Will be missing two of my bestfriends who graduated (Nina and Vanessa) love you both! :* Anyway, sorry if this chapter is not that long. but I put a lot of effort in this chap. I don't know when I'll be posting the next chapter, buuut stay tuned okay? Thanks for the support guys and then the nice comments you left. It makes me feel happy and it encourages me to continue, Oh, and one more thing! I've noticed almost all my stories has 3000+ reads almost 4000 and I thank you for that. Love you guys! :* xox

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