Chapter Eight

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It has been already a week since Cato kissed that bimbo - since then, I completely ignored him. Although he tried to talk to me or start a conversation, I would just leave with a plain expression on my face, don't care.

I know I may be being a jealous b-tch - but at least consider my feelings! Falling for someone you never expected to be is somehow hard. Especially you're really close to that person. Trust me, I'm scared our friendship would completely get damaged. What if he doesn't have the same feeling as I do? I would make a fool out of myself.

I sighed just thinking about all those things.

Rolling over to the other side of my bed, I grabbed my magic 8 ball and sat down, fixing myself.

"Magic ball, magic ball, do you think Cato somehow likes me?" I asked, while closing my eyes.

'Yes.' was the answer.

My eyes went wide, and gently placed it down on my side table.

It couldn't be, right...? I mean, psh. it's just a guess.

I looked for my fluffy slippers and made my way downstairs.

My footsteps made sounds on the hard wooden floor as I took each step making an echoing sound.

I then made my way to the kitchen to get myself yummy delicious breakfast.

It was a beautiful morning actually. and I'm surprised I was not bored out of my mind.

"Hey," A voice said behind me, that made me flinch.

It was Cato; I didn't reply to him. I just gave him an innocent look, and off I went to the fridge to find something actually edible to eat.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me to him slowly, which made me face to face with him. His warm breath touched my face as chills was sent to my whole body. I couldn't move nor speak. I was.. stuck. It was like someone used super glue instead of floor soap and mopped it around the floor.

Damn it. Stop making me feel this way, Cato.

"What do you want?" I sighed, moving my eyes to the sofa and tried to break free from his hold, but miserably failed.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked with confusion and sadness mixed in his voice and face.

Because you're a jerk, Mister.

"Why don't you figure out yourself? I'm pretty show you know the answer to your question." I said annoyingly.

"What's wrong?" He asked - no, demanded actually.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's perfectly fine." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him, finally breaking free from his grip.

I love you.

Those were the words that I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't. I was scared, scared to lose my ONLY bestfriend. My heart was screaming at me to say it to him before it was too late - I was trying myself not to say it.

"I..I love you.." I whispered so softly, which I think he didn't here. GOOD.

His body suddenly stiffened and I could feel he was shocked and all.

Oops, spoke to soon. Screw it. I'm screwed, screwed I tell you.

Now how the hell am I going to explain it to him? Obviously he wouldn't believe whatever reason I was going to say because of how he, 'Knows me too well.'

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