Speaking of the devil

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Two weeks had passed by after that incident at the gym, Chanelle has turned more evil than ever. I walked passed the hallways earlier and saw her scolding one of her little barbie dolls just because she forgot to bring her makeup kit -- yes, I was eavesdropping, screw me.

"Ari, Are you alright?" asked Cato worriedly as he sat down on the bed beside me, placing his bag beside my bedside table.

I nodded my head without a word and smiled weakly at him. I didn't know what else to say nor even sink in whatever has happened the past few hours. Saying I was speechless was a total understatement.

"You can go home now, Cato. I'm worried your little sister might be looking for you." I tried to convince him.

He shook his head, completely disagreeing with my suggestion. "My teammate's Mom decided to look after her, so it's fine."

"Well at least take a good rest. You seem like you haven't slept at all." I sighed, pointing out his obvious dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm not leaving you, Ari. Look at you, You can't be left alone here." He said said sadly, brushing a thumb over my bruise. I flinched, silently groaning from the pain.

"I'm used to being alone. That's not a problem for me. I can deal with this on my own." I said plainly, remembering he was one of those who has made my life a living hell.

"But I'll come back to check on you every now and then, deal?" He assured me, with so much sincerity in his eyes. I wanted to believe this was real... but what if it was another one of their cruel plans? I moved the thought aside and decided to just keep my overthinking shut for at least a few minutes.

Why didn't he let me die?

Confusion, pain, and piles of questions were bombarding my mind. I wanted to hurt him, smack him, and scream at his face why he didn't just let me die if ever this was just another plan to hurt me.

I knew he wouldn't leave me with this state of mind but I needed space and time to think. I sighed, nodding and smiling slightly. I also thought about his well being, I mean, he saved me, didn't he? "As long as you rest, then fine."

He sighed, obviously seeing he had to give up because it was obvious that I was stubborn as heck, "Fine.." giving me one last glance before closing my door.


(Cato's POV)

Unlocking the door of my so called, home, I slowly walked in, checking to see if there was someone home because if there was, you could hear the loud music blasting and the sound of my father laughing like the bastard he is.

I sighed in relief, thinking that old jerk has went somewhere to get drunk again and throw all his money over pointless crap that could kill his body. When Mom was still alive, Dad and I really didn't get along and would argue until the sun came up. But ever since she died of Lymphoma two years ago, our relationship has messed up even more.

"Wheree havee youu beeen, youungg maan?" The horrible of my father's voice slurred from upstairs. Well, speaking of the devil, he has shown himself.

"Oh, uh.. Just went out to get some fresh air.." I said nervously, realizing he was drunk once again. My Dad had a temper of a boiling kettle at hottest point and it was bad.

By the aroma filling around the living, he probably was drinking a whole case of beer, or even more, for the past time I've been gone. What a selfish douche.

He laughed and smirked at me, clicking his tongue, "Really? Caaausee you knoow.. I saw ya with a girlll."

I froze, didn't know what else to say and shit was about to go down. You never kno--

Before I could continue what I was thinking, my father swung his left hand and punched me right on my left cheek. It wasn't as bad as the past punches I've received from him.

I groaned in pain and was starting to lose my balance but I had to stand strong.

"Don't-t lieee to me, booyyy." He slurred as he slowly walked towards me in a tipsy manner.

"Why? Don't you lie to your own family too? Like father like son, right? Oh, yeah. You're not my real father." I shouted and scoffed. Yeah, wrong move but he deserved it.

Without noticing, he launched and punched my on my stomach causing me to roll down on the floor, groaning in pain. I gasped for air as I felt like my breath circulation has cut off.

"How daare youu saay dat?" My father growled.

"Don't I have my rights?" I said, rather amused of myself that day by day, I just get better at fighting back this retard old tard.

"You're a little pieeece of sh*t aren't ya?"

"Yeah, like YOU." I said, enphasizing the You and ran up the stairs, slamming and locking my door. I heard a loud smash downstairs, probably threw a beer bottle across the living room.

I took my Adidas duffel bag I bring to the gym all the time and just started to pack all my things and shoving them in. At this point, I didn't care what else I stuffed in there; and before sending of Elena, my little sister, to my friend's Mum's house, I made sure that I had packed most of her belongings and asked her to bring things that were important to her in like this ever happened.

I just wanted to leave this hell hole. Walking over to my side table was a photo of my Mom, little sister and I at church. The last Sunday I ever got to spend with them before she passed a week later. I sighed, kissing the only photo I had of us together and safely put it in my wallet. Brushing away those thoughts, there was a secret section in my drawer where I had kept all my savings for my Mum's inheritance for Elena and I; she also saved a specific amount of money just for us and of course, my own savings. My Mum advised me to never let my Dad know, knowing what kind of person he was.

The only problem I have right now is a place to stay in at this hour.

I took my phone out of my pocket, dialling Ari's number and on the third ring... "Hello?"

"Cato? What's with the late night call? Are you okay?" I deeply sighed, while walking out of our apartment room and pressing the elevator to where Ari's place was.

"I.. my dad and I fought. It's a long story but could I crash over at your--"

As soon as the elevator door opened, there I saw a panting Ari. Her hair was definitely disheveled like she just rolled out of bed.

She rushed over at me and gently touched the fresh bruise starting to appear. I inhaled sharply and looking at this woman I hurt before...giving so much concern at my condition. "I got a spare room you could use."

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