Part 7

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The next day I got signed out of the hospital. I went home with my mom and fell into my bed.
"sigh It's nice to be home!"
After cleaning my room up because of all the dust that appeared for not cleaning up after so long, I went for a walk.
"Hmmm......I should go see the squad. I wanna learn more moves." I walked towards the alley where the hang-out is. Once I got there, I went inside and looked around for anyone from the gang. 
"Looks like no one's here yet."
"Hey, sweetie!" I looked towards the unfamiliar voice and saw this tallboy with a black hoodie and shorts. He had blonde hair with blue eyes. 
"Uhhh hi?"
"You looking lost. I never saw you here before. Your first time?"
"Umm N-no. I've been here before but I came a bit early today and I don't think my friends are here yet."
"Ahh. I think your friends are losers! You should just hang with me!" He tried grabbing my hips but I got pulled back and into a hard chest. I looked down and saw a toned arm around my waist. I looked up and saw bakugou with a big frown on his face and he was glaring at the blonde boy in front of us.
"Leave her the fuck alone, Copycat!"
"Ahh, Bakugou. He's your friend? What a loser! Who would want to be friends with him? C'mon beautiful! I'll show you some of my moves?"
"She's not going anywhere with a copycat like you! You have no moves! You fucking copy everyone! Now leave her the fuck alone and go fuck yourself!" His arm was tightening around my waist almost making me wince. 
"Fine. Whatever. See you soon beautiful~" He sent me a kiss and then walked away. 
Bakugou kept his arm around my waist and didn't move. I put my hand around his wrist confused why he wasn't letting go yet.
"Why the fuck are you here so damn early, Pipsqueak!?" He growled in my ear causing me to blush madly.
I looked down at his arm and stuttered a reply.
"U-Uhh! I-I...c-came h-here t-to see y-you, guys! B-but I gu-guess I w-was t-too early!"
"Damn right you are!" He stood back straight after leaning down to talk in my ear. He turned me around and moved his arm from my waist to beside him.
"The rest aren't gonna be here till fucking 6:30! You came 2 hours early!"
"Oh! W-what were you doing here then?"
"That's none of your fucking business but I had a fucking competition!"
"Oh! Cool! Did you win?"
"Of fucking course I did!"
"What's so fucking funny?" He growled at me.
"N-Nothing! It's j-just hahahaha!"
"Oi! Stop fucking laughing at me!"
I couldn't stop laughing and sooner or later Bakugou started laughing too.
I looked at his face. He had a big open smile and his eyes were closed. He was holding his stomach and was hunched over. His smile was nice. His teeth were also pretty white and shiny.
"Oi! Fucking stop  staring!"
"Oh! S-sorry! You just have a really nice smile." I sheepishly smiled at him.
"Shut up!"
"Anyways~ What are you doing now?"
"Just making new moves. That copycat that was just annoying you? He's my next opponent. He copies moves and makes them better. So I gotta make new ones everything I'm against him."
"Ooh! That's mean. Why can't he just make his own moves?"
"He doesn't know how to. He just copies and makes them better by adding an extra spin or flip or something."
"Cool! Maybe you could add a few gymnastics to your moves?"
"..........huh. That...sounds like a ....fucking great idea! oi! Fucking genius!"
He grabbed my hand and dragged me to another corner where no one was around. 
"Alright. What do I do?" I started off by showing him a few simple moves. Like better flips and twists. After about an hour of showing him easy moves, we were both sweatings. he was sweating more because all I did was show him and I was still taking it easy. 
"Holy shit! I feel like I could fucking win this!"
"Really? Happy I could help!"
"Whatever." He turned his face away from you because he had a blush on his face. 
"Hey, guys!"
"Hey, Kirishima!"
"When did you get here Marinette?"
"Sorry. I came here like 2 hours early. I didn't know you guys come here at certain times." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"It's alright! I got a competition right now. So I'll see you later!"
"Alright." Kirishima walked away towards one of the crowds while K=Bakugou and I stood silently.
"Anyways. I'm fucking going."
"Oh! Where are you going?"
"Out. I'm done for now."
"Can I hang out with you?"
"Why would you wanna do that pipsqueak?"
"'Cuz you sound fun?"
"Well then don't complain when you get bored."
And then off we went. 

Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now