Chapter 12

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A couple of weeks passed by and we got half of our routine down. 
Since Mina is the only girl she will be in the middle and the main dancer and gymnast. I've taught them a lot of gymnastics and they have been getting a lot better. Bakugou also started teaching me break-dancing whenever he was bored and wanted to take a break from the competition routine. 
I've been training hard for UCLA as well. I've been training my legs all day and night. 


"Who's knocking right now?" I got up from the couch and went and opened the door. And there stood Baku. The one I have a crush on. 
"Hey, Baku. What's up?" I said leaning on the door. 
"Come to the hang-out. We're doing break-dancing."
"But it's the weekened~ I wanna stay home~ I don't wanna walk all the way over there!~" 
"sigh Lazy ass."
"When you train all day and all night to fix your legs again and you gotta go to UCLA where you can't rest then you gotta help your friends in gymnastics later feel lazy once you get some rest."
"O.M.G! You're so lazy! C'mon!" He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.
"EEEK! Baku! let me go!" I kept on punching his back but he didn't care. He shut my house door and started walking towards the hang-out. 
"Just shut up. You didn't want to walk right? So stay."
"But I don't want you to hold me like this! It's embarrassing!"
"EEEP!" I blushed madly and clenched his tank top from the back. He just slapped my butt. OMG. 
Then he just left his hand there rubbing the spot he hit. 
"There. That shut you up. If you make more noise I'll do it again." He then chuckled when I didn't reply. 
This is so embarrassing. And the other thing is. I'm wearing a tank top with super short shorts. 
By the time we got to the hang-out, I was still blushing red and I didn't talk the whole way here. He walked toward a table where I think all of our friends were.
"Hey, Bakubro! Is that Marinette?"
"Yep! Carried her ass here!"
"OMG! Put her down! Her whole face is red!"
He flopped me down and I fell on top of Kirishima.
"Hey, you good Maridude?"
"I'm...gonna....bury myself....and die."
"Woah! What did you do to her Bakubro?"
"Nothing." He shrugged.
"You what! Kiri! You wanna know what he did!? It was the most embarrassing thing ever. First, he dragged me like a potato sack then he slapped my-"
Baku slapped his hand on my mouth and dragged me away.
"NO! Help Kiri!"
"Oh shut the hell up!" He dragged me to an empty area.
"Let's start."

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(Imagine she's wearing a tank top and short shorts

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(Imagine she's wearing a tank top and short shorts. SHe doesn't have face paint around her eyes either.)

"Pretty good pipsqueak. I taught you well."
"Thanks, Baku!"
"Now. Break-dancing competition."
"W-what!" I'm not ready for that!"
"WOOOOAHHHHH!" Everyone cheered and surrounded us.
"Ready pipsqueak?"
"Nope! I'm out!" I tried running away but he grabbed the back of my tank top and pulled me back. 
"Woah! Go Marinette!" Our friends cheered for me and gave me thumbs up.
Bakugou and I stood apart from each other.
"Make your first move pipsqueak."

(The girl is Marinette and the boy is Bakugou. Bakugou wins in the end. But you got a lot of cheers too)

"WOOOHHHHH!!!! Marinette! That's my best friend over there!"
Our squad still cheered for me even though I lost. It was fun. Feeling the wind in my hair. 
I was laying on the floor panting. Bakugou came up to me and gave me his hand.
"Congrats pipsqueak. If you were against someone else you could've beaten them."
"Thanks. I have a pretty awesome teacher." He swung my arm over around his neck and let me lean on him. He walked us towards a bench and our friends joined us there. Mina came and clung to me and Kiri brought me my water bottle.
"OMG! You were awesome Marinette."
"Yea! That was so manly dude!"
"Thanks, guys." I smiled at them and drank a lot of water.
Bakugou came and ruffled my hair and smirked. Probably proud of himself. 
After that, we all just chilled and practiced the routine a couple of times. 
Once it was dark, everyone was leaving the hang-out.
"Hey, Bakubro! Your turn to lock up."
"Yea. I fucking know!"
"Marinette! You coming?"
"I'm gonna drop you off. Stay for a bit?"
"I'll stay with Baku!"
"Alright! Bye!"
Once they all left I sat on a chair and watched Bakugou clean up and set all the chairs back in place.
"How's life?"
"Stop acting so fucking awkward dumbass."
Once he was done with everything he came to pick up the chair I was sitting on.
"Get your ass up."
"Oi! Get your fucking ass up! I have no fucking time!"
"Make me." 
He leaned down and gripped the ledges of the chair on both sides of me and came real close to my face. I could feel his breath on my face. He looked down at me.
"Get the fuck off the chair." He growled. I stared at him too shocked by how close he is. He stared at me. I saw his eyes flicker to my soft plump lips then back to my bluebell eyes.
"Bak-" He pushed his soft slightly chapped lips up on top of mine. I was shocked and was staring at his closed eyes face. He looked so relaxed and he had a big blush spreading on his cheeks. 
He broke the kiss and stared at me. He then got up and was about to walk away. I got up and grabbed his arm and turned him around. 
"Mari-" This time I pushed my lips on his. He was shocked for a second then he kissed me back harder. My hands were on his chest and his hands were on my face and my waist pulling me closer. I moved my hand into his spiky soft hair and tugged on it when he bit my lip. 
"Mmmmm. Baku~" He pushed his tongue into my mouth and started roaming around. His hands went down towards my thighs and he squeezed them, telling me to jump. So I jumped and he grabbed me. My thighs were around his waist and my hands were in his hair. We just kept on making out.
We both jumped apart. We looked to the entrance and saw the squad there. Mina and Kiri were smiling and high-fiving each other. Kami was taking pictures and Ser was just smiling. 
"Kami forgot his bottle here so we came back. I think we interrupted your moment?"
"N-nope! We-we gotta go! I-I mean I-I gotta go! B-Bye! See y-ya!" I grabbed my bag and bumped into Bakugou.
"S-sorry!" I then ran out.
"I'll go drop her home!" Kiri wan after me.
"Mari! Wait up dudette!"
I stopped running and started panting.
"Hey. What's wrong? You kissed Bakubro. Had a full-on make-out. What's wrong?"
"I-I....don't know..."
"Think about it alright. I think it's just too much for you right now. C'mon...I'll drop you home."

"Imagine we never came. You guys would have gone all out!"
"KIRI!"I started punching him.

Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now