Chapter 10

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The next day I woke up, got ready and got to UCLA.
"5 minutes late Marinette!" The coach said.
"Sorry!" I said and ran off to start the new routines that I've been working on. 
A little after working out and figuring out more moves to do I got a text. I checked it and it was the squad. Yes, I gave them my phone number. They were all telling me to get over to the hangout and that it was important.
So I ran.
"Marinette! Where are you going? The session is over yet!
"Sorry! But I promise to come back!"
I ran all the way over to the hangout. I was still in my sports bra, and leggings, with a sweater. I was sweating too. I pushed open the doors and walked in looking for the group. 
"Hey, Marinette!" I felt Mina jump on my back.
"Hey! What's up?"
"Look over there!" She pushed me where the rest of the group was standing. On the wall they were looking at was a piece of paper with lots of colours.

Break-Dancing Competiton!

Do a duet, bring a group, or do a single! We'd like to see you there!Reward: $2,700,000

"Woah! That's soo cool! And a lot of money! Are you guys joining?"
"Fucking obvious pipsqueak!" He ruffled my hair making it even messier than it is.
"Let's get started!"
"Imma go home and take a shower! Then I'll bring some snacks and drinks! Alright?"
"Alright!Thanks, Marinette!"
I ran home, took a shower and made cookies and macaroons. My dad thought m how to bake when he was still alive. Once I made those, I got a bunch of water bottles and packed everything in a bag. I ran back to the hangout to see lots of groups and duet groups practicing. I looked for my group and saw them sitting on the floor looking all pouty.
"Hey, guys! I'm back!" I put the bag on the floor and Kaminari opened it and grabbed whatever he wanted to eat. The rest soon came and started eating except for Bakugou. I grabbed a few cookies and a macaroon and a bottle of water ad sat down next to Baku. He was angrily pouting at the floor. 
I gave him the stuff and he quietly took it and slowly munched on the food. 
"You ok Baku?"
"Hm? Yea. We're just kind of on a pause."
"Can't think of something?"
"Whatever we fucking do is gonna be the same and boring. We need something fucking outstanding!"
"Hmmm..." We were all thinking while eating the snacks when Bakugou snapped his fingers.
"You got a plan Bakubro?"
"Marinette! you could fucking teach us gymnastics! Like how you thought me before. But more difficult ones!"
"That's awesome Bakubro!"
"Totally! Marinette! Can you?"
"Uhhhhh......S-sure.I guess." I smiled.
"Great! I already know a few gymnastics so that'd be great!"
"You know gymnastics, Mina?"
"Yep! I learned it when I was 10. So. Let's get started!"
For a few hours, Mina, Baku and I were trying to teach the rest basic gymnastics. We had 2 months to practice before the competition. 
"Ok...this isn't gonna work."
"What are we gonna do then? And Bakugou and I still have to learn better gymnastic moves too!"
"Aha! We could use the gym for gymnastics! The one where I used to go to before. I'm pretty sure if I ask my coach she would give me the keys and we could go later on tonight! We have all the equipment and everything! Sound good?"
"Alright! I'll ask her and send you guys the address. Then meet me there at night."
"Alright!" We all packed up and locked up the place and left.
"See ya!" I started walking while getting my phone and calling Ms. Bustier. 
"Hey." I turned to the side and saw Baku.
"Hey." I heard the phone pick up so I put my phone back to my ear.
"Hey, Ms. Bustier!"
"So I was wondering if I could use the gym? So I and my friends could practice there? I'll clean up and lock the doors too!"
"Uh-huh. Ok. Thank you!"
"What did she say?"
"She said yes! I'll send the address to the group and we could all meet up there in a few hours."
"I'll stay with you and we both could go there together."
"W-what? Why?"
"I'm bored. Why? You don't wanna hang with me?"
"N-no! Of course not! Ummm, let's go to my house?"
We both walked to my house while stopping by Ms. Bustier's house for the keys. 
Once inside I realized my mom wasn't home again. 
"Make yourself at home." He flopped down onto the couch and I went into the kitchen and got a plate of cookies and brought back milk. 
"Help yourself!" I set the plate of cookies and milk on the coffee table and sat next to him on the couch. 
"Thanks." He muttered.
"Did you make these?"
"Hm? Yep! My dad thought me how to bake.....he was a pretty amazing dad."
"He's....not here anymore?"
"He died when I was 10. He went out the day of my birthday because he forgot something from the store. But he never came back. So later on we figured out he got into an accident and died because of blood loss."
"Oh. I'm uhhhh s-sorry?"
"It's alright! That was a long time ago! All I could do now is to fulfil the dreams that my father wanted me to never give up on!"
I looked at him and he was just staring at the floor looking all sad and stuff. I threw a pillow at his face and he landed on the floor with an oof.
"OI! What the fuck was that for?!"
"Stop being all sad. It doesn't suit you!"
"You fucking piece of shit!" He grabbed the pillow and pounced on me. He started slamming the pillow on my face.
"Wait! Wa-wait! Stop! Ba-Baku! Stop!"
He finally stopped and threw the pillow somewhere else. He looked down at me and I looked up at him and we realized our position. He was straddling me with my legs around his waist. Bakugous arms were on both sides of my face and my hands were lying beside my face as well. We were so close to each other.
"Baku?" I breathlessly whispered. 
"Marinette." He whispered back. He was leaning in and I was leaning up too. We were an inch apart when the front door opened. I pushed Bakugou off of me and he fell to the floor with an oof.
"I'm Ho-OH! Marinette! And...the boy from before."
"Mom! Hey! Uhhh. We were just hanging out until we gotta go."
"Oh ok."
"Ummm this is Bakugou. Bakugou this is my mom."
"N-Nice t-to meet you again Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!"
"Nice to meet you too Bakugou. It looks like you guys had some fun?" She was looking around the room where we threw pillows everywhere.
"Uhh, we sorta had a pillow fight."
Bakugou and I looked at our phones to see our friends are ready.
"We gotta go! Bye, mom!"
"Bye Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!"
"I'll clean up when I get home! Promise!"
We both ran out of the house and ran to where the gym is.

Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now