Chapter 18

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(Some stuff to be careful about later on. Just a warning. And sorry for the late post!)

A couple of weeks passed by with Marinette going to the hang-out and dancing in competitions. She sometimes wins but losses when she's against a much better dancer such as Katsuki. The squad is fixing up the hang-out with the money they won. 
Katsuki and Marinette have been doing great. They've been on more dates and Katsuki has stayed over at Marinette's place a few times. 

I woke up and felt someone's arm laying lightly over my waist. I looked up and saw Katsu's cute sleeping face. His other arm was beside his head. His lips were slightly apart to let out soft snores. His hair was messier than it usually was. He had no shirt on because he feels hot during the night. 
I leaned up slightly and gently kissed his jaw. I leaned more up with my elbows and started kissing up to his jaw and cheek.
"Ngh." He stirred a bit in his sleep and furrowed his eyebrows then fell back asleep. 
I kissed his cheek and went up to his lips. I pecked his lips gently not wanting to wake him up yet. I then went down and started kissing his neck. I kissed around and lightly bit his skin.
"Ngh sigh hmm." He sighed in his sleep. 
I found his sensitive skin and lightly started sucking on it. 
"Ngh~ Hah~" He started moving around and tried getting the thing that was bitting him off. Which was me. 
I started sucking harder trying to leave a darker mark to show all those girls from the hang-out that he's taken.
"Hah~ F-fuck~ Ngh~" He put his fingers in my smooth silky dark blue hair and grasped it tightly.
"Mar-Mari~ Wh-why n-now? Hah~" I stopped sucking and looked at the now big redish purplish mark on his neck. 
"Because~" I then sat up and straddled his chest and leaned down to kiss him.
"Mmmmm~" My hands were in his hair tugging it and his hands were on my waist.
I broke the kiss and started kissing down to his neck to leave another mark. 
"Don't leave too many marks." He muttered lowly.
"Why not?" I muttered in his neck.
"Be-because~ Hah~ It's going-going to sh-show~"
"It's fine. " I muttered in his neck and continued giving him a bunch of hickeys all over his neck. 
Once I was done giving him a bunch of marks, I leaned up and gave him a long soft kiss. 
"Mmm~ Princess~" We broke the kiss for air and I sat up. My hands were by his neck and his hands were on my waist. 
"Did you mark me a lot?"
"Yes. I did." I smiled at him when he started pouting.
"Mari~ Y'know I wear a tank top, right? I don't wear shirts or anything to cover my neck." He started whining. 
"It's fine." I leaned down and kissed him again but harder and faster.
"Kids~ Breakfast~"
Once I knew she was gone I leaned back down and kissed him again. I slowly started grinding on him. I could feel him getting hard. 
"Fuck." He whispered in between the kiss. 
"I love you." I smiled at him.
"Love you too princess....but do you gotta do this early in the morning?" He whispered.
"Sorry." I kissed him really quick then got off of him and walked to my bathroom. making sure to sway my hips more.
"Fucking woman." I heard him whisper. I giggled and went inside my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. 
I came out of the bathroom to see Katsu walking passed me to go in. I giggled at his flush face. I went and chose an outfit for myself. 
I got dressed and Katsu came out and changed into a tank top and sweats. The only thing he had at my house.
He was looking in the mirror at the marks I left.
"Shit princess. You left so many. What am I gonna do? Your mom's gonna see."
"It's alright babe~" I kissed his cheek and left the room with him walking behind me. 
"Morning kids!"
"Morning mum."
"M-morning Mrs. Dupain-Cheng."
"Bakugou! How many times do I need to tell you! Call me Sabine! Please!"
Katsu leaned his elbows on the table while covering his neck with his hands.
"You alright Katsu?"
He glared at me.
"Are you sure Bakugou? Is your neck hurting or something?"
"No-nope! I-I'm fine!"
"Alright then! Eat up!" My mom put plates of eggs, bacon, and hash browns on the table. 
Katsu glared at me while I smirked at him. We both started eating. 

Once we were done eating we both left the house and decided to stay outdoors.
"What do you want to do?"
"Uhhh How about we go to my place so I could grab some clothes?"
"Sure!" We held hands and walked to his house while talking about random things. 
"Alright. No one should be home right now alright?"
He opened the door with his house keys and we both entered. It was nice. Everything was clean and organized. 
"I'll get my clothes and come back in 2 minutes." He kissed my cheek and ran up the steps and to his room. I sat down on the couch and took out my phone. 
I heard the front door open so I looked towards it to see a man walk in. He had dishevelled clothes and messy hair. He kicked off his shoes and came into the living room to see me sitting there staring at him.
"Who the fuck are you?" He shouted at me.
"Ummm I-I'm he-here with-with-"
"Oh shut the hell up already fucking bitch! What do you think you're doing breaking into my fucking house!"
"No! Si-sir! I'm here with-"
"I don't fucking care! Get the fuck out!" I was about to walk towards the door when he shouted.
"Actually! You look fucking fine. Got a great fucking body! How about this. I won't kick you out unless you give me your body?" He smirked at me.
"What!? Who the fuck do you think you are!? I'm not going to give you my body just for you to have fun!" I was beyond pissed at this dude. And disgusted.
"Oi! What the fuck is going on down here?" Katsu came running down the steps with a school bag on his shoulder. 
"Oh! Hen-henry.....I-I thought you weren't goi-going to be home...right now.." I could tell Katsu was scared and nervous.
"Oh, she's with you? No wonder she's a fucking bitch!"
"Ummm we'll-we'll just be going." Katsu walked passed him and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. But before we could reach the door the man called Henry threw a glass bottle at the door in front of us. 
"Oi! I'm not done fucking talking to ya! Where have you been you brat!?"
"Uhhh ou-out!" I was confused why Katsu was so scared. His hands got sweaty too. I grasped his hand tighter. 
"Well send that bitch out! I need my session."
I was so confused right now and stared at Katsu's face. 
He turned to me and leaned down a bit.
"Hey princess..." He whispered.
"What's going on Katsu?" I whispered back worryingly.
"Everything's alright. Just go to the hang-out...I'll come back later." He gave me a soft smile but from the look in his eyes, you could tell he was scared. 
"Why? Who is he?"
"That's my step-father."
That's when everything hit me.
"No! I'm not leaving you here. Come with me!" I tried pulling his hand with me but he didn't budge. 
"Please Mari. I don't want him to hurt you. Just go and I'll come back in an hour or so."
"Hurry up you fucking brat! Your mother is coming back in 2 hours!" He let go of my hand and let Henry grab his arm. I went and punched Henry's back. In return, he slapped my face really hard knocking me to the floor. 
"You bitch!"
"OI!" He turned around to Katsu and Katsu punched him in the face. 
"Don't you ever fucking touch her again!"
"What are you gonna do huh brat!? I'm your fucking father! I own you!"
"You're not my father! And you never will be!" He punched and kicked him one more time then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. 
We ran until we got to town and we sat down on a bench>
"I'm so sorry." He whispered while rubbing the red mark on my cheek.
"It's alright. It stings but I'll be fine."
We just sat there quietly.
"I can't believe you Katsu."
"You were going to let him take control of you again. I thought you would at least fight him back or something. Like how you beat up those guys who touch me."
"I-I don't know...I guess I was just scared but when I saw him hit you I got mad."
"It's fine."
"It's not fine...You know what? I'm going." I stood up and started walking in my desired direction.
"What! Where are you going? Babe! Princess!" He ran to catch up with me.
"Babe. Where are we going?"
 I just kept on walking till we reached the police station.
"Babe...No! Hey! C'mon! We're not going here! Let's go back!" He grabbed my hand and kept pulling me back but I kept moving forward. I had enough so I slapped him on his cheek.
"Shit." He put his hand on the red mark and stared at me.
"I'm sorry. " I muttered and walked into the station.
I went inside and told them everything Katsu told me about Henry. They all left and went to the address I told them and they arrested Henry for sexually harassing his step-son and for abusing him. 
I walked out of the police station to see Katsu sitting on a bench with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.
I quietly knelt down in front of him and gently grabbed his hands and moved them away from his face.
"I'm sorry. But I couldn't let you live like that anymore. Please don't be mad.." I gently rubbed his cheek, the one I slapped.
"And I'm sorry I slapped you. I hope it didn't hurt."
"It's fine. I'm just worried about my mom."
"It's gonna be alright."
"Katsuki! What the heck is going on!? Why the hell did your father get arrested!?" An angry and worried woman runs towards us. She looks exactly like Katsuki.
"Mom I-"
"Tell me what the hell happened!"
"Umm Mrs. Bakugou...If I may? Henry got arrested for sexually harassing Katsuki and abusing him while you weren't home. Katsuki didn't tell anyone because he saw how much you loved him and didn't want to take that away. So I had to because Henry was about to rape him again when I was at his house."
"Oh...Katsuki...Is this true? You were raped and never told me?" She had a guilty look on her face and she had tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry...I didn't want to hurt you. Ever since dad died you were broken until you met Henry...I didn't want to take it away."
She hugged Katsuki really tightly and started crying o his head. 
After they were done they both separated.
"Thank you dear for taking care of Katsuki. What's your name?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
"Mitsuki. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm going to go take care of a few things. I'll see you for dinner. Come and join us Marinette."
"Alright then. Thank you." She waved at us and walked into the station. 
The next thing I know, Katsu pulled me into a big hug.
"I love you. I love you. I love you so much!"
"I love you too Katsu." I kissed his cheek. he broke the hug and kissed me gently.
"I love you so much." He whispered."
I giggled and we both went back to his house and ate dinner with his mom. We told his mom that we were dating and I decided to sleep at his place tonight. 

"Thank you...For saving and loving me." I heard before I closed my eyes...and a kiss. 

Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now