Chapter 13

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A couple of days passed by and I have been avoiding Baku ever since we kissed. I don't know why. I mean yea I like him and stuff so why do I get so nervous around him. And because of this, I've been distracted at UCLA.
"If you fail a backflip again...I swear I'll kick you out. A backflip is so easy! Why can't you do it? You're ruining your routine! The UCLA competition is next week!"
"I-I know! I'm just distracted right now!"
"Out! Come back once your head is in the game!"
"But-" The glare she gave me told me to shut up. 
I packed my stuff and left. I walked around for a while and then sat down at a park. 
"I-I...have to go!" I got up and started walking away.
"Oi! Wait up!" He ran after me.
I ran for a while till he grabbed my arm and pinned me against a wall. 
"Oi! Why the fuck are you avoiding me!"
"......" I looked to the side avoiding his gaze.
"PLEASE! Why the fuck are you FUCKING avoiding me!?" 
"........" I felt tears pour out of my closed eyes.
"Marinette! Please! Why the-"
"......W-what? Wh-why?" We were both panting.
"I-I.......I got cheated on by the love of my life! I'm struggling in focusing on UCLA! I don't know what to do!"
"......" He let me go but still stood really close. 
" kissed me last night...."
"I-I know! I do like you! I do! But....right's kind of hard.....I mean you guys have a competition coming competition is coming up next week. I...need to focus right now."
" like me still?" he looked at me with slight hope.
"Yes. I do. I'm not gonna stop. So maybe after all of this if you're still single...we could...I don't know....try?" He hugged me tightly. 
"I'm going to wait for you. I promise. Just...hurry up. Please."
"I will."
"And...don't avoid me. I hate it."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." He kissed me on the cheek.
"That'll have to do for now." He winked at me and I started blushing.
"Baku!" I covered my face with my hands.
"What wrong?~ Blushing~"

We were at the hang-out hanging out with the squad. I was in the corner practicing my routine for the competition at UCLA. 

(This is just a small practice thing she's doing. Imagine she's at the hangout and no one is around her. She's all alone in a corner.)

I was panting once I was finished.
"That was awesome Marinette!"
"Oh, Thanks, guys!"
"Can we come and see your performance?"
"Uhhh family is only allowed to come....and if you wanna bring friends you're only allowed to bring 2...So I guess you guys could figure it out."
"Alright! Will do!"
"Pipsqueak! You and me! Break-dancing!"
"Right now?"
"Fucking yes!"

(Imagine the girl and boy are teenagers. Bakugou won again.)

"Hey, Kiri!"
"Hey! So what's up with you and Bakubro?"
"We aren't dating...yet! He's said he'll wait for me and I said I need time so yea."
"Hey, Ground Zero~" Kiri and I looked where we heard Baku's name get called from and saw this blonde-haired girl with a super tight outfit on. You could clearly see a lot of her cleavage and thighs.
"What'dya want Camie?" 
"Aww, baby don't be like that~ C'mon~ I could show you a great time~"
"Camie! I fucking told you I want my first time to be with a girl I'm serious about! Not a random hookup! Go fuck yourself! Or the other boys you play with!"
"UGHHHH!!!~~~~ You won't ever find a girl like me~!"
"Exactly! I won't ever find a girl like you! I already found a fucking amazing woman I'm waiting for!"
"Ooohhh! I think he's talking about you, Mari?~"
"Kiri! Stop!"
"I gotta go. Ms. Steven is probably pissed at me. Bye!"
(Ms. Steven is a teacher from UCLA.)
I left the hang-out and started walking toward UCLA.
"Hey! Marinette! Wait up!"
"Hm? What's up Baku?"
" call me Katsuki?"
"Katsuki? How about Katsu? Or Suki?"
"Sure!" He started blushing which made me giggle.
"Oi! What so fucking funny?"
"N-Nothing! Anyways! I got to go! See ya later!"
"See ya!"

Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now