Chapter 16

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The next day we all met up at the hang-out extremely early to decide on a plan. 
"Nothing's gonna work."
"C'mon guys! Don't just give up! We can think of something!"
"I'm so fucking stupid!"
"Got a plan Bakubro?"
He came up to me and grabbed my hands and held them in his rough ones.
"You! You're the plan!"
"I get it! Bakubro! You're a genius!"
Everyone started cheering for some reason and smiling.
"What's going on? I don't understand."
"You! You could do the routine with us! You've been watching us since the beginning! You know all the moves and you're pretty awesome at break-dancing already! We could do this!"
Everyone quieted down and stared at me.
"I got gymnastics in an hour. I won't be able to make it. I told you guys. And I can't skip. I'm gonna get kicked out of UCLA."
"I CAN'T Katsuki."
They all stared at me with sadness until Kirishima changed back into happiness.
"Don't worry guys! We can do it! And Marinette's dream is UCLA! So we're gonna support her there!"
"Sorry guys....." I sheepishly smiled. No one looked mad but they were obviously upset and a little worried.
"You guys got this though! Just do everything like how you normally did it! I gotta go now. I need to catch the bus. Bye! Good luck!"
I got to the bus stop and waited for my bus.
"huh? Katsu? What's up?"
"I want you to think about it."
"Break-dancing and your dream. You're not happy at UCLA anymore. We all know no matter how much you try hiding it."
"Please. Think about it."
"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Good luck."
"Yea. Later pipsqueak." I got on my bus and sat down.
'My dream...'

The Bakusquad all went to where the competition was going to take place and they waited their turn. They all wore the same tank tops with baggy pants but in their own colours. 
Bakugou's was orange with grey pants. Kiri's was black with grey pants, Kami's were yellow with grey pants. Sero's was black with grey pants. And even though Mina couldn't dance she still wore hers which was pink with grey pants. 
"Next up...Bakusqaud."
"Let's fucking do this!"
We all went and stood in our places then began.

"C'mon Marinette! Focus!"
"I'm trying!"
My dream. I wasn't happy at UCLA anymore. Everything was strict and followed. I couldn't be free like in break-dancing. 
"What is it now?"
"I'm done."
"I said I'm done. I'm quitting."
"You-you can't!"
"Yes, I can. This isn't my dream anymore. Good-bye!"
Then I ran out of UCLA and ran towards the location where the competition is.
On the way, I quickly put on an f/c tank top over my workout bra and great baggy pants. I ran and ran and never stopped.

We were almost done with the routine. We were close to the part where Mina does her big thing and we didn't know how to skip it without making it weird. 
We all jumped into place and.......

'MARINETTE!' We all thought when we saw her jump in and do the move Mina was supposed to do. We all smiled and finally got our boost up and continued the routine with smiles on our faces.

"You guys did it!" 
We all clapped hands and hugged each other.
"Mari!" Kiri came and hugged me lifting me off of the floor.
"Guys! I'm so sorry I came late!"
"You came just in time!"

Confetti exploded and everyone cheered.
"Go Bakusquad Go Bakusuqad."

"Come with me for a minute?"
"Sure." We both walked outside alone. 
"What's up?"
"I thought about what you said..."
"Really? Alright."
"I quit."
"Really? That's nice. What are you gonna do now?"
Break-dancing. I really enjoy it...and maybe I could beat you one day."
"Thank you. Katsu."
"Anytime pips-" I grabbed his tank top and pulled him down to my height and smashed my lips on his. He gasped and then started kissing me back. 
We made out for a while till we broke off for the air. We put our foreheads together and breathed together. His hands were on my waist and my hands were in his hair.
"Does this pant does this mean you-you love me?" He whispered.
"I always loved you Katsu...I just....didn't want to distract either of us. But U love you and I always will." I whispered back. 
"I love you too." He whispered. We kissed again only to get interrupted by the Bakusquad cheering for us. 
"Yay!!! Bakunette!!! Congrats!"
We all laughed and ate ice cream and took pictures. We all decided to use the money to make the hang-out better and to get more things for break-dancing and gymnastics. 

"How did you know it was my birthday?"
"I know everything silly!"
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"


Happy birthday to my Bakubaby!
He's a grown boy now and I love him even more!
Thank you for reading my story and thank you for the comments. I'm going to still continue this story for a few more chapters. 


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Bakugou x Marinette Dancing AuWhere stories live. Discover now