The Beginning

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Y/n's POV:

I gathered my books and slipped out of the classroom and into the large corridors. The squeaks from my shoes echoed around me as I ran towards the Slytherin Common room.

As I awkwardly entered there were multiple other students from my year huddled around the fireplace laughing and discussing something. When my presence was discovered their heads drifted towards me as I wandered to my dorm. My parents were quite wealthy so I owned a private bathroom and bedroom which was quite convenient.
I unlocked the door and collapsed onto my bed. I was tired, hungry, unhappy and just overall broken. Since Cedric Diggory's death I haven't done much except from go to classes and come back here. I was dating Cedric when he was found lifeless and he was also my best friend which didn't help.

"Y/n you need to eat" Draco -my older brother- whimpered from outside the door, he is very overprotective to say the least and couldn't bare to see me cry.
"No just go away Draco" I snapped back and started sobbing into my pillow because I was a mess. I hadn't showered or eaten in a month but I'd got some sleep 2 weeks ago which barely did anything. I decided then to stop attending my classes and to just stay here from now on

I grabbed two bottles of alcohol from my wardrobe and downed them like my life depended on it. Although I was 14, soon to be 15, I drank and was in fact an alcoholic because it numbed the pain and made cutting my skin and bruising myself a lot easier.
Draco had been watching through the door and I suddenly dropped the glass of the second bottle and I was speechless. I'd told him to leave and he'd totally ignored my command, What. An. Idiot

"Y/n what the hell!" He yelled and my emotions took over me.
"Why were you spying you freak!" I yelled before punching him in his nose. Since he was so weak he ended up running to find a nurse in the Medical Wing

I laughed a painful laugh as the liquid still remained in my throat and burned its way down my oesophagus. Next thing I knew there was Professer Snape and Albus Dumbledore at my door with surprised expressions on their faces and of course, Draco behind them.

"I know that this is a rough time for you Y/n Malfoy but we need to put these illegal habits to an end and sort you out." Dumbledore sternly announced and I rolled my eyes and ignored his arrival since I wasn't even paying attention.

"Miss Malfoy, come with us" Snape commanded and I nodded my head because he sort of scared me. I followed them down several hallways until we reached the head masters office. Two chairs were placed behind a huge wooden desk and in one of them was a dark-haired boy with stunning brown-green eyes. He was perfect or as close as it got. His body was slumped back into the chair and his arms were crossed
"Y/n this is Mattheo Riddle, he is dealing with habits the same as yours and both of you shall become friends and I've added an extra class to your curriculum to help get your heads in the right place. Do you understand me?" He explained and Mattheo nodded yes whilst I just sat picking my nails.

"Y/n!" He roared again and I jumped at the sudden noise but agreed although I wasn't listening.
We were both dismissed and were free to go and do whatever. So I rapidly ran back to my room where the alcohol was still kept. Those morons forgot to remove them. Typical teacher thing to do.
As I wandered over to grab another bottle the boy from earlier stood behind me.

"Are you just going to ignore me?" He growled and I laughed,
"Well I was but whatever" I sarcastically giggled and his hand grabbed my wrist instantly.
"Do you know who the hell I am?" Mattheo yelled with obvious anger lining his voice
"Of course I do, Your the Dark Lords brother" I spoke and his blood was boiling since I wasn't scared of him.
"Then give me some respect you depressed ferret" He played knowing that he was tormenting me now.

"Don't you dare-" I started but he continue,
"Aww your little boyfriend died, boo hoo" He cracked up and I couldn't stop myself from grabbing my wand and screaming "Crucio!"

He pulled his wand out soon after the spell wore off and threatened that I shouldn't mess with him. Mattheo just shows up in my life 10 minutes ago and now he's trying to slaughter me? I don't think so. I had a knife in one of my drawers and sprinted to grab it. Once it was in my hand I tried to stab him from behind and successfully did it after several attempts. It was wedged pretty deep into his back and I was starting to feel bad until he pulled it straight out and shoved it through my hand.

"How could you!" I cried and he laughed as tears ran down my face. I still had one hand to kill this monster. I grabbed the tie from around his neck and began tightening it until his circulation was cut off and he was unable to breathe. I tightened it more and more until Draco burst through the door. Oh god no, He ran out again and I could hear him alerting several teachers. But I kept tightening it and tightening it until I couldn't do it anymore.

"Miss Malfoy and Mr Riddle!" Snape yelled and I dropped the ends of the tie and stepped back. The tie was removed from his neck and we were both punished for starting a fight over the most minor inconvenience ever.

{ This chapter is so rushed and crappy I'm sorry }

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