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Mattheo's POV

I hadn't seen Y/n for a week. She wasn't in her dorm or at school so maybe she was back at the Malfoy Manor. Tomorrow was one of the hugest parties of the year, not the yule ball. It was going to be in the Slytherin Common room and practically everybody in school would be going except from me. I couldn't go without Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and decided it was time to leave for Hogwarts. I quickly packed my bags and showered. I brushed my hair and teeth, slid my Converse on and ran across the hallway to Draco's bedroom. Although we had our bad moments he was my brother and I couldn't let him stay here with my shitty father.
"Draco!" I whispered as I ran in.
"What Y/n?" He groaned
"I'm going to Hogwarts and you are coming too." I mumbled dragging him out of bed.
"Okay okay ill meet you out front in 10." He whined as I left the room.
We didn't have much floo powder here so I decided getting the train would be more suitable.

Draco finally came downstairs and ran out of the front doors with me.
It would take a while but we were running to the train station. The air was freezing for March, the plants were all still dead and no wildlife was ever in sight.

Finally we reached the station and we both stopped to catch our breath.
"We should've just used the rest of the powder" He muttered through a small laugh.
Entering the station was strange. Usually mother and father would be behind us, they'd watch us get on the train and hope that we were safe. Hogwarts wasn't safe though. It never had been.
"Y/n let's go." Draco shouted tugging on my arm and then dragging me to the platform.
"Hmm I think it's this one" He hesitantly said.
"You think? Well then try it" I shrugged
He was holding his luggage as he sprinted to the wall and disappeared into the other world. I did the same and followed him to the compartment.
"We're very lucky that we arrived on time" He worriedly said.
"Well we made it so I don't give two shits" I laughed

The rest of the train ride I read a book that Draco had bought me when I was in the hospital wing. It was about a vampire man and s human girl falling in love, it was very romantic but quite cringe too.
"Enjoying that Y/n?" He chuckled and I eagerly nodded.
"We'll be here soon so you should change into your uniform." Draco said
I walked into the small bathroom and put my shirt and skirt on then my Slytherin blazer.

We got off of the train and ran into the castle.
"Bloody hell what if somebody notices we've been gone" He cried
"Of course somebody will have, I mean there's Pansy, Mattheo-" u started
"Mattheo?" Draco asked
"Yeah we are dating didn't you know?' I asked
"Nope" He replied
"Oh okay" I responded

Mattheo's POV

I'd just finished last lesson and was walking into the common room when I saw Draco and Y/n.
I ran up to her and engulfed her in a warm and tight hug.
"Where were you Y/n?" I asked concerned.
"Don't worry I was at home" She replied and I felt a random weight lift off of my shoulders
"I know you only just arrived back home but would you like to go to the Slytherin party tomorrow?" I asked quickly and she nodded.

Y/n's POV

I walked into my dorm and everything was neat and tidy. My clothes were still here along with all my other possessions. I'd only bought several things to Malfoy Manor. I ran over to my bed and layed under the covers, it smelt like Mattheo. He probably slept in here a couple times this week

I changed into a comfy pajama set and layed down to sleep. I didn't want to eat because I wasn't hungry so I skipped all of the meals for the day.
Somebody started knocking on my door as I'd just layed down.
"Come in" I yelled and the door opened to see Mattheo.
"Uh hey Y/n? Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asked nervously
I nodded and he slid in next to me.
"What's wrong" I asked
"Nothing just leave me alone" He groaned

Such a bitch at times

< sorry for the short chapter >

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