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Y/n's POV

I awoke to his hands around my waist. His warmth was comforting and calming. I sat up and admired him. I'm so lucky to have Mattheo in my life even if he did stab me.
"Like what you see Malfoy?" He smirked as he pulled me in to kiss me.
"You wish Riddle." I laughed as I playfully slapped his arm.
He got up and told me he had to go somewhere and I just nodded. I put some loungewear on and some trainers. I was going to look for mother. I slipped my inhaler into my pocket and realised I hadn't removed the necklace yesterday. I ignored it and tiptoed down the stairs. I didn't plan on eating or drinking before I left I just wanted to go.
"Where are you going Y/n?" Mattheo asked with his father beside him.
"Uhh I'm going to look for mother.." I said with hesitation.
"No, your father told me that you'd be forbidden to leave." He said with a pause before he said my father's name.
"I don't care what my father says, he's just weary of me leaving because he thinks I'm his innocent daughter. Well I'm not. I hate my family and their doings!" I yelled and then noticed that I'd shouted at the most powerful person in this world. I quickly covered my mouth and whispered an apology.
"Y/n, Y/n, what do we do with you?" He asked with a growing frown. The next thing I know I was on the floor with a throwing pain in my nose. It was like I'd been punched which I most likely was.
"Oww" I groaned and he laughed. I looked at Mattheo and his face was turned like he was afraid to watch.
"Mattheo take her to her room and don't forget to lock the door on her." Voldemort ordered and Mattheo nodded rapidly. He grabbed my wrist and started to pick me up bridal style.
"Let me go you ferret!" I squirmed as I tried to escape his grip but after several attempts I gave up.
He chuckled and I finally loosened my arm and slapped him round the face. My handprint stayed and a bright red mark formed onto his face.
His smug face turned into a expression of disgust. As we reached my room he opened the door and threw my body onto the floor. I winced as I noticed a cut on my leg from the fall. He slammed the door and shouted
I stood up and tried go unlock the door but I couldn't. Ugh I was just starting to like him too. I took out my wand that they had forgot to take.
"Alohomora!" I whisper-shouted and it unlocked. I put my wand back in my pocket and made a run for it. I reached the door and escaped outside.
I wandered down the main path onto the empty streets. No houses, no cars. Just emptiness.
I saw a small patch of greenery. There was several trees and a broken bench. I walked over and read the writing it had on it.

𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝑮𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒕 6:30𝒑𝒎

I was carved into the wood and I knew exactly who had written it. Mother.
It was currently 5:28 which meant I had just over an hour. I sat on the bench and waited.





I decided to run there because I had no other way of transportation. The floor powder was indoors. I sighed and started running as fast as I could.



I arrived as soon as my watch hit 6:30 and there she was. Infront of all the buildings.

"Mother?" I shouted with tears welling in my eyes. She nodded and I opened my arms to engulf her in a warming hug.
"Ugh Y/n I missed you so much dear" She mumbled.
"I did too. Anyways why are you here?" I asked and she sighed
"Darling somebodies trying to kill me and before I tell you who I need you to stay calm." She said. I whispered an OK and she began.
"Your father is trying to kill me. I know it's bizarre trust me. He's attempting to rid me so then he can get you and Draco to become death eaters. He wants you to marry Mattheo and collide both families. He only wants power and money and if im gone he dosen't have anybody in the way to stop him." She cried with heavy tears rolling onto her cheeks. She forced a smile and I just cried into her shoulder.
"I love you Mother."
"I love you too Y/n"

Her eyes darted to the necklace.
"You wore it?"

"Of course I would, it's stunning!" I laughed sniffling to hide the fact I'd been sobbing my eyes out.

"It has its benefits honey."

I wonder what it can do.

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