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[ tysm for 100+ reads it means so much to me ]

"I have to be on my way now dear." My mother told and I nodded my head quickly. I watched as her figure disappeared into thr darkness of the streets. I started to trace my steps back to the Riddle residence and when I arrived I knew I'd be in a lot of trouble. I slowly and gently pushed the handle down and snook inside. I quietly peeked around the doorways to see if anybody was here. Clear.

I stepped onto the first step and it creaked a bit. I started to speed up my pace until I reached my room. I ran inside and locked the door.
"Where were we?" A boy asked and by the tone I realised it was Mattheo.
"None of your business." I replied with confidence. I felt his touch on my wrist as he grabbed it I lowered my head so he couldn't see my face.
"Where. Were. You?" He asked angrily and I ignored him.
"God Y/n Where were you!?" He yelled.
"I- I was with m- mother" I cried. I felt him bring his hands around my body to hug me. It was gentle and soothing.
"Wait aren't your father and brother searching for her?" He asked with confusion
"Yes but only I knew where she was" I replied wiping the tears from my face.
"Hm ok" He answered.

We spent the rest of the night spilling our hearts out to eachother. We talked about our families and friends. We spoke about which Slytherins should be a couple. We had a fantastic night. I was starting to feel comfortable around him although earlier I was slightly angry at him. I liked him so much but I could never date him. He wasn't good. But if I think about it neither am I.

"Y/n, I know we barely know eachother and we're not close or anything but would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked and I just froze.
"Uh- I'll- yes." I replied and he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. What have I done?!

Mattheo's POV

She said yes. But she didn't seem very certain. Y/n was probably a bit scared an all. I mean I am in thr worst family ever.


Time skip to January 3rd, Starting the 4th year.

Mattheo's POV

"Y/n are you packed?!" I yelled
"Yes! Just one second" She answered. She was putting on her Converse and grabbing her bags.
"I'm here." She panted since shed just ran downstairs with all of her bags. We grabbed some floo powder and said
"Diagon Ally!"

We were now on Diagon Ally where we could now shop for all of our new things. First we went to Gringotts bank to get some money.
Y/n wanted a new pet. She grabbed about 200 galleons and we both left. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. A small grin grew on her face. We walked in and there were many different animals to choose from. Y/n picked a toad. Usual Y/n. She was somebody who cared so much about what other people thought but then she'd make daft decisions. She named the toad Kermit and I laughed hysterically at it. She thought it was cute. Next we needed to go to Kings Cross Station. We spent around twenty minutes getting there. We handed our tickets in and pushed our trolleys onto the platform.
I snatched Y/n's bags and put them in one of the compartments.
"Hey! You do know I can carry them" She said as she rolled her eyes.
"You looked like you were struggling so I was trying to be a descent 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅" I laughed as I overexaggerated the word boyfriend. We sat down in our compartment and I stared at Y/n. She grabbed a book and was zoned out several seconds later. I was bored so I decided to get some Chocolate Frogs. I bought 3. 2 for Y/n one for me.
I put it on her lap and she didn't notice so I picked her up and sat her next to me.
"What did you do that for?" She whined and I chuckled
"I bought you a chocolate frog and you ignored me."

"Oh, sorry" She replied with guilt flowing into her voice. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. She was so pretty. The way her hair bounced in the wind. Her eyes focused on what task she was doing. It was perfect.
"We are here!" Pansy Parkinson yelled as she looked into our compartment. She giggled at the sight of me hugging her but didn't say anything
"Pansy Hi! Y/n shouted as they hugged. "Heyy" Pansy replied.

Us three walked out together and wandered into our school.
I'm glad to be back.

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