The fight

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Y/n's POV

< Violence >

Morning arrived and I was annoyed that I couldn't leave for an entire week, I saw Mattheo dismiss himself earlier and now It was only me and another boy from Gryffindor. He had brown hair, glasses and a lightening scar. It was Harry Potter, the boy who lived. His body lay unconscious so I presumed he'd had a horrific accident or was sleeping. Time was so fast and before I knew it lunch had come and gone. Madame Pomfrey had delivered some sandwiches and chocolate frogs to me and Harry but I'd barely touched mine. I was about to fall into a deep slumber when I heard my rotten brothers cold voice.
"Y/n!" He shouted ran over to the chair beside my bed, he sat down and handed me several books that must've been hundreds of years old. There was about 7 of them all neatly stacked into a pile in my palms. Of course, I couldn't feel my hand because it was under a numbing spell with bandages wrapped in layers over it.
"Who did this to you!" Draco yelled and I didn't answer him and I just blankly stared at the books ahead of me.
"I need you to tell me who did this." He begged with a softer tone and I sighed
"Look don't get mad but I stabbed Mattheo and unsurprisingly got stabbed back." I whispered and his jaw dropped and his eyes went from loving to stone cold in seconds. He got up and just walked out of the room which didn't even bother me since I wanted to be alone.

Draco's POV:

As those words escaped from her lips, my body tingled in anger and pain. She was my sister, she needed to be protected from the bad and evil that this school held. Y/n might've started this but she wouldn't have without a reason. I walked into the Slytherin Common room and without seconds thought I rushed down every hallway until I read the numbers 222 written above a doorway. It was Mattheo's room and I could hear obvious movements from inside. I pushed the door open to reveal him swallowing multiple tablets that he was prescribed by the nurses.
"What the hell did you to Y/n!" I screeched in frustration but he smirked.
"What did I do? She was trying to kill me." He laughed and I threw the first punch and drew blood. His nose was dripping with it.
Mattheo laughed and did the same back and I felt light headed. He was much stronger than me so I knew what to expect. I probably looked and felt a lot worse than he did. He straddled me and started to hit me over and over until everything felt blurry. I needed to do something quickly so I grabbed a nearby porcelain plate and smashed it onto his head. There was a quick flow of blood dripping onto the floor and I just ran out of the room. What was wrong with me?

Y/n POV:

"Honey i think you can leave early, you are good to go." The nurse smiled and I did too. I stood up and everything was moving and I felt unsteady so I held onto the closest thing to me. The book pile. They all fell onto the floor and I just groaned in annoyance.
"I got them" Harry said and started rapidly collecting them
"Thanks" I replied and we ended up walking out together.
"What's your name?" He asked
"I'm Y/n Malfoy, don't worry I'm not as mean as my brother" I laughed.

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