The blood

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Mattheo's POV
⚠️ Self-harm, mentions of blood ⚠️
After earlier I was stunned. Her body was just on the sofa as we spoke and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. It hurt me to ignore her but I had to for my father's sake. I hate him don't get me wrong but the way her spoke to her made my blood boil. Y/n was carried up to her room by her mother, Narcissa.

We were all eating a feast at Malfoy Manor and we'd be staying here over the break. Christmas was currently 5 days away and the time was around 11pm. I didn't want anymore food so I just excused myself and snook off to bed. I was wandering the upstairs when I heard faint movements from inside one of the room. Y/n. I slowly pushed the door open to reveal her sleeping. She looked tired and fresh cuts and bruises scattered her arms. The blanket was carelessly thrown onto the floor along with a pile of books and her cases.

I walked over and examined the wounds. They must've been done by Bella or maybe even herself. I walked around the room. She had emerald green accessories and grey curtains. In the far corner was a huge wardrobe with multiple doors. Beside it sat a desk. There was different items on it but the only thing I noticed was the knife that was coated in a thick layer of blood.

"What are you doing?" She sternly groaned and sat up to face me.
"Just wondering why there is a knife soaked in your own blood." I answered in annoyance. She seemed so perfect yet she hurt herself purposely.

"Why does it matter to you Riddle?" She snapped as she sat up.
"Well because we are friends?" I stated the obvious and she sighed.
"Well can friends sleep in the same bed?" Y/n asked without hesitation and I shook my head and walked over to tuck her in. God she was making me soft.
"No dear, you need to sleep." I told her and kissed her forehead.
"OK, goodnight Riddle." She replied and with that I left the room.


When morning came I went into my bathroom and showered. I washed my hair and then tidily out it into a bun. I grabbed some black sweatpants and a hoodie and tossed them onto my body. I walked into the dining hall and all the death eaters from last night were sat down.
"Y/n why are you dressed like this!" My father yelled and I wore a confused look.
"Ladies wear dresses. Now go and change at once." He announced and I just muttered
"Yes father."
I ran into my bedroom and just grabbed the knife. I held it shakily and pulled it towards my skin, the cold metal made me wince in pain but I gathered enough bravery to slice my skin.
It made an awful tearing sound and blood dripped all over my wooden floor. Tears fell along with it and mixed with the crimson red liquid. Suddenly I heard footsteps and decided to change into a black dress with spaghetti straps. The fabric met with my skin and I let down my hair. I put some heels on and then walked down the metal stairway.

(Imagine the dress like this)

I walked once again into the dining hall and remembered that I hadn't clean the blood from my arm

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I walked once again into the dining hall and remembered that I hadn't clean the blood from my arm. My brother looked at the cut and then our eyes met.
"Father, Y/n has blood on her arm." He smirked and I shoved my middle finger up at him.
"Oh well it's her problem." He replied. How could he treat his own daughter like that?!

Mattheo's POV

Her dress suited her perfectly. Her y/e/c eyes stood out and she had a sad expression on her face like she was upset but unbothered. I knew she'd drew that blood but it wasn't my business so I decided not to go asking.

[ this chapter is kinda short sorry ]

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