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I do not own the song or video above.
Y/n's POV
It was the night of the party and I was extremely nervous. I was a Malfoy so I was usually a confident person but lately I felt so down and unhealthy. The party was starting at 9 and currently it was 8:30pm so I started to get dressed. Me and Pansy were supposed to walk in together and meet up with our boyfriends but she said her parents wanted her home early so it would be just me. I pulled out the dress I'd bought myself and put it on.

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It was stunning

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It was stunning.
I curled my hair and it was beautiful. I decided to put some light makeup on and then I was ready.
I heard a faint tap on my door and it was obviously Mattheo.
"Come in!" I shouted
"Y/n are you ready- wow you look amazing." He smirked
"Not now Mattheo we're going to the party and that's final" I groaned.
"Fine, but later?" He asked with the same smirk
"Ugh okay" I replied trying to hide the smile on my face

(Play the song)

Mattheo's POV

"I love this song! Can we dance?" She asked with eager.
"Of course darling" I responded as she blushed.
She hummed the melody as I chuckled to myself. The prettiest girl I've ever seen was dancing with me, how did I get so lucky?
"Take a Polaroid it'll last longer" She laughed
"Y/n I love you so much" I said staring deeply into her eyes.
"I love you more" She answered.
I leaned in to kiss her, our lips crashed together. Her touch was warm and I could just imagine a future with her.
"We've come so far my dear" I chuckled and a small tear fell from her eye.
"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly
"This song, it was my mother's favourite" She responded sniffling.
"I'm so sorry" I apologetically smiled
We danced the night away and had the time of our lives. We were both drunk but she was honestly way more drunk then I was.
She wandered over to the drinks table and downed three bottles of alcohol.
"Uh Y/n, I don't think you should drink anything else" I warned
"Dont tell me what to do" She slurred out her words
"Okay I'm taking you to bed" I said picking her up bridal style and taking her to her bedroom.
"Can you stay over?" She asked as she slowly closed her eyes.
"You need to get some rest but I'll stay till you are asleep" I groaned
as I threw my body next to hers. She was surely asleep now
"My god Y/n, you are the reason I've gone soft, I love you so much and one day we can run away together and get married." I whispered as I kissed her goodnight.
"Yeah that sounds like an amazing idea" She mumbled
"Your awake?" I asked
"Mhm goodnight"
"Goodnight love"

Y/n's POV
The next morning I woke up with a throbbing headache.
"Oww" I groaned as I sat up.
I went into the bathroom and put the bath on and hopped in. I washed my hair and removed my makeup.
I felt cramps in my lower body. Shit. I got out of the bath and put some clothes on.
"Shit!" I yelled in anger. I'm on my fucking period.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" A familiar voice asked on the other side of the door.
"Piss off" I muttered
"Y/n what's wrong!" The voice yelled
I ignored it and continued to clean the blood and put a pad on.
"Y/n I'm coming in if you don't open the goddamn door!"
"I'm coming" I uttered
I opened the door to see Mattheo outside of it.
"What's wrong Y/n?" He asked again
"It dosen't matter" I whined
"It clearly does if you are going to shout so loud that the entire common room can hear you" He replied
"Ugh just come in" I slammed the door and he sat on my bed
"Tell me now" He said
"I'm on my period, happy now?" I fake smiled and he just gulped for some reason
"Oh uh sorry" He said embarrassed
"It's fine I'm just not in a good mood" I said getting back into bed.
"Can we cuddle though?" He asked pouting

We spent the Saturday watching TV and reading books off of my shelves. To be honest, the headache and cramps were gone now and I was fine

"Uhm Y/n, I know that we're only 17 but can we get married?" He asked
"I mean.. I don't know" I truthfully said
"Oh ok"

The door was suddenly pushed open.
"They're here, the death eaters are fucking here!" A hufflepuff girl yelled. I got up and started pacing around my room
"Whoa calm down Y/n"
"Calm down?! I'm not even a death eater yet and I still feel like shit because of my family!" I screamed
I ran outside and saw Voldemort and my brother and father. Along with bitchy Bellatrix

"Well well well, Y/n." My father said and I tried to go back inside but they stood right in my path.
"I'm going to make this easy for you. Join us and get the dark mark or we'll kill you just like we did your mother" Voldemort cackled with Bellatrix
"I- fine just make it quick" I cried
I stepped forward again and the Dark Lord lowered his wand to my arm. He said something I couldn't hear and the pain rapidly pierced through my body. I couldn't breathe nor scream, just stand there. I closed my eyes and as the pain stopped I fell to the floor.
"Quite strong for a girl" My father laughed
The entire school had just watched me get the mark and I was highly embarrassed.
Mattheo was also here stood beside his father.
"Fuck all of you! I tried my best to become apart of the family but no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough!" I cried as I touched the necklace. Suddenly, a beam of power shone off of it and hit my father.
He instantly fell to the ground and wasn't breathing.
"W-what happened?" I asked in shock
"The necklace! You bitch what did you do?" Bellatrix asked as she held her wand to my throat.
"I swear I don't know!" I sobbed as I touched it again. Then Bellatrix fell to the ground just like my father had.
It was extremely powerful and now I knew what mother meant!
It had the ability to kill those who'd hurt me or angered me with one touch.
Mattheo and his father were immediately casting spells on eachother and the school wad a wreckage. I ran to the Astronomy Tower to see Draco and Dumbledore
"I have to kill you or he's gonna kill me" Draco cried
Dumbledore nodded and Snape quickly ridded him with a simple spell.
Dumbledore's body tumbled from the building and resulted in his death.
Draco grabbed my arm and picked my up
"Y/n we need to go back down there" He yelled running down to where Mattheo and Voldemort was.
"Stop it! You two bitches are ruining this school" I screamed and held the necklace one more time. Light beams shone from the butterfly charm and hit his body
It slowly started to crack and break as he turned to dust.
I heavily breathed and ran to Mattheo, jumping into his arms
"I'm sorry" I cried, I killed his father in his presence.
"It's okay honey, you did the right thing and I'm so proud of you" He smiled and I kissed him. It wasn't rough or sloppy, it was loving and real.
"When this is all over, we can start our own small family. We can run away together.
"Gladly" I smiled.

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