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Underage drinking 😩
(Ik this is the 90s but they have a modern TV)

Mattheo's POV

It was around 7:30pm on Christmas day and I was bored out of my mind. Y/n was in her room most of the time she's been here and my father is out somewhere probably with the Malfoy's of LeStrange's.

I decided to go and check on Y/n. I pushed open the door and she was passed out on her bed with several bottles of alcohol around her. Her face was pale and she had heavy eye bags on her face. She woke up as soon as I stepped into the room.
"Uh Mattheo, what are you doing here at this time of night?" She asked nervously.
"For a start it's 7:30 and second, why the hell are you drinking?" I sternly replied. She sat up and told me she was going to shower. I sighed and wandered back to my room. I drunk alcohol too but she shouldn't because its bad for her. I took a cigarette from my drawers and lit it with my lighter. I took a drag and blew the smoke around my room. My room was a square shape and I only had a bed, desk, bathroom. It had mainly books and trinkets and souvenirs. There was no trash and it smelt fresh. I spent most of my time in here, I learnt to read and write here, I learnt to do magic and use a wand here.

"Mattheo it's Christmas, you need to do something other than sir up here alone." Y/n shouted from the other side of my door.
"Says the girl who's sat in there most of the time." I snapped and I heard her walk away. I decided I'd go and spend some time with her.
"Y/n do you want to watch a movie?" I asked and a small smile appeared onto her face. She chose the Addams Family for some bizarre reason.
"Why would you choose a kids scary movie?" I asked full of confusion.
"Because it looks good and I've never watched it." She replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

Halfway through the movie I put my arm over her shoulders and she smiled again. We had a bag of popcorn and were sharing it. Y/n wore a worried look like she was scared and I doubt it was the film. Suddenly my father barged in and asked if he borrow me a minute and I nodded.
"I don't want you to fall in love with Y/n, I need you to marry Astoria Greengrass." He told me and I was wondering why not Y/n. She was a Malfoy and they were the second most respected family in the wizarding world.
"Why father?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Astoria isn't fragile and friendless like Y/n. Think about it, Y/n is so fragile and hurt. She'll wreck you and make you become what your not." He said and I sighed.
"Okay Father."
I walked back into her room and the movie was finished.
"Took you long enough." She muttered.

"Y/n." I said out of nowhere.
"Yes?" She replied.
"I like you, a lot" I answered
"Hm well I like you too" She giggled and my heart was racing. I hated Astoria but I genuinely loved Y/n. She always put a smile on my face.

I looked at her glistening eyes and then at her lips. I wanted her more than anything right now.

My lips collided with hers and she put her hand on my cheek to deepen the kiss. I pulled away because I hadn't asked for her consent.
"I'm sorr-" I started but she pulled me in for another. This time it was rough but soothing. Her touch wad all I needed. I wanted to be able to call her mine and see her smile around me. She switched off the movie and turned off the lights.
"Goodnight darling." I said and I kisses her forehead.
"Please stay Mattheo." She pleaded and I sighed.
"Y/n what if my father finds out?" I asked and she frowned.
"Oh ok, yeah that's fine." She mumbled and I just climbed into her bed and wrapped my arms around her waist. I want her for the rest of my life.

[ ahhh I love this chapter and thanks for all the reads and comments ❤️ ]

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