Christmas Eve

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Mentions of self harm

Today was December 24th and I was so excited for tomorrow. I usually had stacks of presents from my mother and father. I actually hadn't seen my mother for several days, she'd not be in the Manor with us. I decided to go and ask my father if he knew where she'd gone. As I stepped downstairs I saw him in the lounge talking to Draco. They were discussing something but I couldn't hear, I put my body beside the doorway so I couldn't be seen.
"Draco, we can't let Y/n know that her mother is missing." Father said and my heart dropped to the pit of my chest when I heard that.
"Well I already know Father." I burst into the room and stared at them both.
"Why weren't you going to tell me?!" I yelled with obvious anger lining my voice.
"You didn't need to know." His voice raised.
"Why does Draco get to know then?" I asked lowering my head so they couldn't see me roll my eyes.
"Keep him out of this. Go and pack your trunk at once. You'll be staying with the Riddles whilst we search for Narcissa." He replied
"Why can't I come!" I cried
"You shall and will obey me Y/n." He snapped
"This is why mother is my favourite ." I whispered but I think he heard it. I didn't care since I wouldn't be staying here for much longer. Then I realised that Mattheo would be there. Oh my god. He was okay but our little fight is the reason I'm slightly uncomfortable around him. I swiped the knife and shoved it into my bag. I'd need it a lot living with those morons. I also packed some clothes. Lounge sets, dresses, any type of clothing since I didn't know how long I'd be staying. All of my skincare and books were in there and practically anything i owned.
I threw on my Converse and tied the laces, I brushed my hair. I was ready to leave.
"Going already Y/n?" My father asked. Ugh I wanted to leave now.
"Yes Father you never specified when I'd be leaving." I truthfully replied.
"I'll get Draco to take you. I don't want you being disrespectful or rude towards the Dark Lord or his family." He warned and I rolled my eyes and waited for Draco beside the front door.
"Let's go loser" He shouted as he dragged me out to the car with him.
(Idk why I didn't put Floor Powder in but yh)

At the entrance I started to shake. Being honest, the Riddles scared me. Especially Mattheo.

I knocked softly on the door and a house elf opened the door.
"Y/n Malfoy! Very nice to meet you. I am Hokey." The elf greeted me and carried my bags inside.
"Thank you Hokey." I smiled
"Hokey says you are welcome Miss" He quickly answered.

Hokey went and fetched Voldemort. Why did he have to do that?

Mattheo's POV

I heard somebody enter through the front door and I peered over the railing from upstairs and saw Y/n. She was talking with Hokey, the house elf.
She had three large cases behind her and was awkwardly standing. "Y/n what are you doing here!" I whisper-shouted as I ran downstairs.
"Uh I'm supposed to be staying here until school starts back?" She replied but with an uncertain tone.

"Ah Y/n. We meet again." My father  hissed as he walked up to her. I stepped back and watched from a fair distance.
"Mattheo will guide you to your new room." He smirked
Ugh how I hated his shitty attitude. I gestured for her to follow me upstairs and she did.
"Why are you staying here?" I asked and she whispered
"Uh well my mother is missing and my father thinks it would be better off to stay here. I'm old enough to stay home but no, I'm apparently irresponsible and immature" She sighed and I felt bad for her.
"Oh I'm sorry." I said hesitantly and she nodded

"Here's your room." I pointed to it and opened the door.
"Thanks" She smiled and I just stared with no emotion and left. I needed to get my mind off of her perfect smile and her positive attitude. She wasn't pure or necessarily bad. Y/n always studied or read, Hermoine and her would be great friends.

I read a lot in my room. It took my mind away from the reality I desperately tried to escape. My father said reading was weak and for girls. He's stupid though his opinion dosent affect me.

[ it's almost Christmas not irl but I'm still excited lol]

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