The task

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Me and Harry had spent hours socialising and I started to become fond of his presence. I now knew about his family and all the subjects that hurt him. He acted so happy when he was hurting. I could relate to him but he didn't need to know that.

It was 5 days from Christmas so everybody was packing their suitcases up. I only needed a small bag because most of my belongings were at the place called 'home'. It seemed like hell though. My dad would get Bellatrix to cast damaging spells onto me if I didn't obey his commands so I just ended up feeling free at Hogwarts, my real home. I heard several knocks at my door and just ignored them until they got louder and louder.
"God, I'm coming shut up!" I squealed. I opened the door and saw Mattheo. I was confused on why he was at my door but told him he could come in.
"Look Mattheo I'm sorry-" I started but he just hugged me. We didn't have a good connection but it felt so enjoyable to have somebody in my arms. Cedric was such an angel and nobody could ever be as good as him but I never wanted this moment to end.
"I'm sorry too. I was a total freak." He laughed and I smiled apologetically since I wasn't excited to go home. I was ashamed of my family for becoming what they are but I knew if I told them I'd be out the house the moment the words were spoken. The hug was tore apart and I smiled at him. He sent one back and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh Y/n. Can we be like friends?" He asked and I slowly nodded confused. Who would want to be my friend? Mattheo left the room as the train was arriving soon.

After a long 3 hours in my compartment, I was starting to get bored. I was alone and I didn't have any money on me right now so I couldn't even grab snacks. I signed and leaned my head onto the back of the seat. Suddenly, the train shook and the lights went out. I sat up and my skin crawled when the windows started to fog up and ice grew all over them. I tried to run out but the door was locked. Great. My breathing was unsteady and cold. A ghost-like figure approached the door and let itself inside. I reversed myself into the corner but it started to breathe in my soul. I screamed and everything grew darker and blurier. I tried to stay awake but my body couldn't handle the pain.

Mattheo's POV

I heard a scream and I know exactly who's it was. Y/n's. I had my own compartment too so I just ran out and started peering through the glass until I saw her. Her soul was leaving the body more every second. The dementor was asking for what it was about to receive. The only spell known to harm them.
"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled in fury. It started to vanish and I ran and engulfed her in a tight hug. She couldn't here me. Was Y/n dead?

I rushed over to the lady with the trolley and bought a bar of chocolate for 5 galleons. I walked back in and she was cuddling her knees and crying.
"Here, eat this it will make you feel better." I smiled and handed it to her
"What was that thing?" She asked nibbling the end of the bar.

"It was a dementor but don't worry they are gone now." I assured her. The lights were now on again and the train came to a stop.

Draco arrived at the door.

"Come on Y/n, you better stay away from him. He's trouble and I wouldn't want you spoiling your perfect home life when father hears about this." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes.
"He's the reason I'm alive you snobby ferret." She snapped back as she followed behind him.


We walked up the steps of Malfoy Manor and were greeted by our mother. It was then I realised Mattheo was walking up the steps along with us.
"You three better hurry off to the meeting they're having inside with the Dark Lord." She said at I nodded. We all entered the meeting room. Bellatrix, Lucius, Snape and the Dark Lord were the only ones here so I assumed this wasn't a conversation for everybody.
"Y/n, Mattheo, Draco, You'll be assigned some tasks. If they are incomplete then there shall be life- threatening consequences." Voldemort warned and I gulped. His head turned to Mattheo. "Since you are my son, you deserve a horrid task." He cackled
"Hm what about killing Dumbledore with Draco?" Voldemort asked and then he nodded.
"As for you Y/n, you shall kill Mr Potter." I shook my head and he stood up and smacked his hand onto the table creating a loud bang.
"What do you mean no!" He yelled and I just sat there speechless. Bellatrix walked over and placed her hang onto my cheek.
"You are such a little bitch aren't you?" She asked and I refused to do anything except from look at her. She dragged me out of the room and started using many different fatal spells on me.
"Crucio!" She screamed and I was sick of her. My knees gave in and my eyes fell shut. I could feel her picking up my body and escorting it to a sofa in the meeting room. She carelessly dropped me and went to sit back down. I opened my eyes and Lucius scowled at me.  
"You are all dismissed." Voldemort said
"Y/n you will fulfill the task or else I will end you." He then announced and all I could do was cry.

Hours passed and I couldn't move still. My mother shortly came in and gathered my body in her arms.
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry" She smiled as she took me up to my room and gently layed me onto my bed.
The only words I could speak were
"Thank you mother."
And then I drifted off to sleep.

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