(chapter 3) ▶Answers◀

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White lily was acting a bit strange..
She often goes to librarys to borrow some books and never returning them, she would also do other things that pure vanilla didn't know about which was concerning him a bit..
Pure vanilla decided to go to white lilys place to check on her if she's doing okey, while he was here, he heard notices like someone was repeating the same sentence:
'I need answers'
He walked through the room where the notices came from, "white lily cookie? Is everythings okey..? "
He asked, white lily cookie stopped and turned to pure vanilla, "oh! Pure vanilla cookie, yes yes I'm fine." "Are you sure? I can help you with something if you want"
"...." White lily stayed silent for few second until she spoke up again
"Yes.. There is something..im trying to find out where cookies come from and why they were made..i just need to know.." She said with her serious expression on her face, "white lily cookie.. That from the past..and we don't know if the answer is necessary to know" pure vanilla said walking to her and sitting down next to white lily cookie.
"....i guess your right pure vanilla..." White lily said placing the book down on the table, "thank you for understanding lily" pure vanilla said while he gives white lily a hug.


(I'm so sorry for a short chapter, I'm still trying to think of some ideas, I'll try to make the next chapter longer)

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