(chapter 17) .・。.・゜✭・

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White lily pov:

It been only 2 days since I'm in the cell, it's so cold and empty..and the only thing I could do is sit and look out on the little window that the room had..I heart footsteps it sounded like someone was walking towards the cell, I turned my head to see.."pur- dark vanilla cookie?.." I said, he didn't answer until he opened the cell and when inside,  "..here.." He said while giving me a plate of one jellie, I stared at the jellie confused then looked at pure vanilla, he had his head not facing me, "wh..why?" I asked him, "just take it lily" He said back, I took the plate when I did that, dark vanilla started walking away, I stopped him when I grabbed his hand.

Dark vanilla pov:

I felt like someone grabbed my hand I looked behind me and I saw white lily, holding my hand tight. "Pure..thank you for the food..but..what happened to your soul jam?.." She asked me and I turned away, god. I don't know what to say. I hate her but this stupid feeling of regret always bothers me..
"It's..from that incident that happened to me.." I said and white lily had a shocked face but stayed silent until I spoke up again, "my soul jam cracked from that fall..it was painful.." I said "now, can you let go of me. Now." White lily heard what I said and letting my hand go, I started walking away, leaving white lily in complete shock.

End of dark vanilla's pov:
"Master?" Pomegranate said to dark vanilla, "yes? What do you need." "Well..i don't need anything, it's just a question." "Then whats the question?"
"What are we going to do with our new prisoner?" Pomegranate asked dark vanilla. "Oh. Don't worry, pomegranate..i know what to do with her." Dark vanilla said back to pomegranate, "alright master." She said and walked away.

With gingerbrave:
"I hope white lily is okey...im so worried.." Strawberry said with a sad tune. "It's okey strawberry cookie, we'll find her! There's nothing to be worried about. But we need to keep on going to dark vanilla. He probably took her" gingerbrave said.
"What ever you say- what. The. Fu-"
"LANGUAGE CHILLI-" wizard said to chilli pepper cookie. "HEY DON'T SHOUT AT ME- LOOK UP YOU IDIOT."
everyone looked up and saw, "the timeless kingdom! Chilli pepper you found it!" Gingerbrave said, "ofc I did! I always find places hah!" Chilli pepper said back, "what are we waiting for then? Let's go to the timeless kingdom to find dark vanilla and white lily!" Everyone agreed and started running.

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