(chapter 5) 🥀regret🥀

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It was too late for pure vanilla... Was it all a dream? Is this real? Did pure vanilla really died? White lily couldn't think anymore, so traumatized and instant regret.

"YOU'LL BE NEXT!!" the witch shouted, white lily got up and ran as fast as she could, she jumped through the big window and hit the ground, it did hurt but it didn't crush her, she continued running until she stopped,
White lily was lost in the woods no where to go, she looked down and fell on her knees, tear falling through her empty eyes, and the last words she heard from pure vanilla was 'goodbye white lily'   "I'm.. Sorry.. Pure vanilla...cookie..." She quietly said.

"WHITE LILY COOKIE?? PURE VANILLA??" Someone shouted through the woods which caught white lilys attention, "Hollyberry..?"
"OH MY STARS I'M SO GLAD YOUR OKEY!" hollyberry said happily "we were so worrie- wait...wheres.. Pure vanilla?." Goldencheese said concernely, "....." White lily stayed silent, from that the ancient realized what happened "he's.." White lily tried finishing but failing from the crying she started ".... Gone..." White lily started sobbing and got her head down, the ancient couldn't believe what they were hearing, hollyberry rapped her arm around white lily and giving her a hug comforting white lily while tears falling, ".. Come on.. This place is dangerous we must leave..and white lily..you will tell us everything what happened.. Alright?" Dark cacao said with a cold tune, white lily nodded and tried getting up, the ancients started walking their way back home.
Dark vanilla cookie pov:

I don't remember what happened..all I remember is waking up..somewhere I didn't know, I tried getting up but it was hard for me to do that..until I heard sobbing,
"W.. Who are you?.." The kid asked, I looking at the kid and noticed that the kid's left arm was gone, I felt so bad for them so I knew what to do.
I finally got up and walked to the kid, patting their head, "there there little one..did you lost your arm? Poor like thing.. I know what will help you." I started using some kind of dark magic with my staff creating a new cake arm, "there little one..no need to worry now, you'll be safe with me alright?" The kid nodded, "what's your name by the way?" "Red..velvet?.." "Ah, red velvet. What a  nice name for a little devil like you" I picked up red velvet cookie and started walking, away from this Terrible place.
Hollyberry pov:

We finally got back to my kingdom, I settled white lily down, I went to my room and grabbed a  blanket, I walked back to the living room and covered white lily with the blanked, I looked on the otherside where the rest of my friends were, they were all sitting looking down, well, mostly dark cacao was the one looking down and goldencheese still was crying quietly, it was silent for a little while until dark cacao got, "alright white lily...you must tell us what happened to pure vanilla" he said and looking a bit angry, white lily got her head up and nodded, "..its all my fault...i should have listened to pure vanilla in the first place..he saved me while i was falling...then he..he..." She started crying again, I tried comforting her, "he..falling into the witch pot..i don't know if he's dead or not!.." We all stared at white lily who was mostly still crying "white lily..its not your fault..he saved you that mean he cares about you...whether he's gone or not he'll always stay by your side"
She immediately hugged me tight and sobbing, I was sobbing too goldencheese joined the hug but dark cacao was just standing there staring at us and walked away.

I don't know what will happen next..

(652 words-)

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