(chapter 12) +past+

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This chapter is all about the past from the academy with white lily and pure vanilla, including the ancients too!
Enjoy! :D

*At the cafeteria*

White lily walked towards a table where pure vanilla sat but stopped when she noticed not only pure vanilla sitting here but three other cookies that she didn't know about,
She got confused but continued walking.
"Hey pure vanilla" she said while sitting down next to him, "oh! Hello white lily I would like you to meet our new friends I met!" He said cheerfully, "this is hollyberry, golden cheese and dark cacao cookie" "well hello there new friend!" Hollyberry said to white lily with a cheerful smile on her face, "heyyyy" golden cheese said, "Hi." Dark cacao said too, white lily Stayed silent for a bit until she spoke up, "h..hello! I'm white lily cookie, pure vanilla's friend, it's nice to meet you all" "well it's nice to meet you too white lily!" Hollyberry said back, white lily smiled at them and continue eating her lunch.

It been an hour and the bell was ringing, the ancient got up from their seats and started walking back to their dorms "bye you two! Cya next time!" Hollyberry said while waving at pure vanilla and white lily.
They waved back to walked away.

Pure vanilla and white lily were walking in the hallways, there was no one there just them, 'hm..maybe I should ask him..' white lily thought then looked at pure vanilla, "pure vanilla?" "Huh? Oh! Yes white lily?"
He said back with a smile like always,
"I was wondering..if we have a week off..would you..like to go somewhere just us?" She said nervously, "of course we can lily! Since I don't have nothing else to do at the weekend," he answered back, white lily was smiling  at him who was smiling back at her too.

-Next day- *in class*

"Alright students! I'll back in a moment, I need to do something real quick alright?" The teacher said and started walking away to the door, the door shut and the students now can do what they want, except pure vanilla cookie, he was still in his seat and writing, "hii pure vanilla! How are you today?" Goldencheese said which made him jump a bit, "AH- Oh. Goldencheese you scared me for a moment, yes I'm alright thank you for asking," he said and continued writing "Ooo what ya writing hereee??" "Im just writing work more like homework to be honest," "Ah. Alrightyy then. Hey? I have a question." "Yes?" "What are you going to do at the weekend?" "Oh! Just me and white lily hanging out somewhere" "OoooOooo~ like a date??" "Huh? OH! Nono not like a date, just walking around that's all" pure vanilla said a bit flutered, "mhm- sureeeee- OH THE TEACHERS COMING! I'll be going back to my seat sadly- enjoy your weekend with white lily!" Golden cheese said and walked back to her seat, pure vanilla was still flutered by what she said but he smiled too.

-The weekend- *with pure vanilla and white lily*

The both of them were walking to the park while talking, "soo, did you do your homework yet?" Pure vanilla asked her, "oh, yeah I did but i didn't fully finished it..there was a few questions I didn't know yet.." "It's alright, after the park we can walk back to your dorm and I'll help you finish off your homework" he said with a smile, "aw thank you pure vanilla!" She smiled back, "should we go to the secret garden?" "Sure!" They started walking to the place.

When they got here, pure vanilla sat down by the flowers and patted the ground for white lily to sit next to him which of course she did, pure vanilla was looking down on the flowers with his eyes open, white lily noticed and had a great idea, she started picking up the flowers to create a flower crown for both of them, "pure vanilla? Look at me for a second" he nobbed and looked at her until she had put the flower crown on his head, "there! Now we both have flower crowns on our heads" she said while giggling, which made pure vanilla flutered "thank you white lily" he said and smiled warmly at her,
"Your welcome" they looked at the sunset for a little while, "the sun look beautiful.." Pure vanilla said with a calm tune, "it is.." She said back and looked at pure vanilla, she put her head on his shoulder, he noticed and smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder (cuddling) While watching the sun setting down. ♡

+Behind the bushes+

"HA! you own me £20 now hollyberry!" "Alright alright! Just take it!"  Hollyberry handed over the £20 to goldencheese who was giggling, "told ya they will cuddle and I was right" goldencheese said cheerfully "yeah yeah whatever (T_T)"

(another fluff chapter! :D)

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