(chapter 4) ○following ○

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Pure vanilla was looking for white lily, he haven't saw her for at least 2 days he would get horribly worried if something happened to her, until hollyberry showed up (mostly running to him)

"Pure vanilla cookie! I saw white lily walking to the dangerous woods! We must go and save her!!" Hollyberry shouted and pure vanilla tried to calm her down "I'll go find her, you go tell the others alright? I'll be okey and I know that she'll be okey with me, don't worry" he said with his calming tune, hollyberry nodded and ran right away to tell the other ancients, pure vanilla on the other side, he was running to the dangerous woods trying to find white lily cookie until he saw her.. But not in a good situation she was in..

"Finally..i get know the truth.." White lily said, standing in front of the dark portal she had summoned, pure vanilla's eyes opened wide and furious by what he was seeing.
Pure vanilla got up and slowly walking towards white lily, until she walked through the portal, pure vanilla cookie followed her, trying to stop white lily but it was too late..

The portal behind them closed and now he was with white lily in the most dangerous place they could ever be in..'the witches house' pure vanilla thought to himself 'what is white lily doing.?! She must know that it's dangerous to be here..!' 

White lily pov:
Finally, I was here to know the truth..i really needed to know.. Hopefully no one was following me.. (yOu ThInK!?-) I was walking slowly until I saw an allusion..
I saw other cookies mostly parts of their bodies gone..but they were still..smiling..? I was horrified by what I was seeing.. Cookies were made to be..eaten..? That was the most horrifying truth I ever heard.. Pure vanilla was right..the truth was not Nessasary to know..

Pure vanilla pov:
I was seeing an allusion of cookies smiling and parts of their bodies gone..i was horrified..falling on my knees, I though I was going insane, couldn't move my body by what I was seeing.. Until..i saw a witch grabbing white lily and throwned her to the witch pot.

*flash backs:
White lily ran to pure vanilla to hug him tightly, "I'm so happy that your dreams finally came true!" She said smiling "and I'm happy that your here I promise that I'll protect others, my people and friends" "will you..protect me too..?" Pure vanilla cookie grabbed white lilys hands, "promise ♡"

*End of flashback*

Pure vanilla got up and ran near the witch pot 'I made the promise, I'll keep the promise..' He thought,
(SHEEESH SUPER MA- okey I'll stop.)

White lily cookie pov:
I closed my eyes, tears falling on thin air..i should have listened to pure vanilla cookie..i could already feel falling..but then..i felt like I been pushed  by someone..? I opened my eyes and saw..

"PURE VANILLA COOKIE!? DID YOU JUST..? " said white lily cookie, eyes wide by what he did, "I'm sorry white lily..but I couldn't just see you suffer like this..i kept our promise..goodbye white lily cookie.." Pure vanilla said smiling and closed his eyes again.

White lily had fallen into the table, she slowly opened her eyes and saw pure vanilla who was now falling into the witch pot, "PURE VANILLA COOKIE NOOOOOOOOO!!!" it was too late for pure vanilla cookie....

(Hehehe I won't be ending the story here I have more ideas for the few chapters in the future also thank you all so much for being patient! ♡♡♡)

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