(chapter 9) •meeting•

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White lily pov:

I woken up pretty much early which was surprising to me, I got up and walked to pure vanilla's door I knocked and and the door opened, "hello white lily! How did you sleep last night?" He asked happily seeing me, "I slept alright and yo-" "daddd when can we go outside and playyyy"
A strange kid said behind pure vanilla which got me confused, REALLY confused, "eh- pure vanilla?..whos this child?-" "oh! Thats licorice my son and this red velvet" he said happily "YOU HAD KIDS!? SINCE WHEN??" I asked confused, "well..i saw those poor children alone in the woods so I decided to adopt them" pure vanilla said (lie) I was getting less confused now and stared at the two boys behind pure vanilla, "and- how did they get here- " dont.ask.questions" he answerd in a serious tune which got me surprised, I never heard vanilla talk like that before, "okey! Okey.."

We were in the living room, vanilla was reading and the two boys were playing toy cars, while I was sitting down on the couch still confused, "pure vanilla?" "Hm? Yes white lily."
"Since your here, why won't we have see our friends again! Since you haven't saw them in a while.." "Hm..i guess" He answered back.

-End of white lily pov-
*Knock* *knock*

There was knocking on the gates door, white lily got up and opened the door, "Hello everybody-" "IS IT TRUE THAT PURE VANILLA IS WITH YOU!?!" Hollyberry shouted, which made white lily jump a lil, "yes he is safe and fine" she answered happily, white lily and the ancients were walking to the living room and saw pure vanilla sitting with the kids and read them a little story, "PURE VANILLA COOKIE!!!!!!" "huh?- WOW-"
hollyberry and the other ancients ran and hugged him tight which was squishing pure vanilla's body, "I- can't..breath-* the ancients heard him and ended the hug to let him breath.
"DUDE- WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!" goldencheese said, "MY STARS, DON'T YOU EVER SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN!!" hollyberry said, "heh, I'm sorry for scaring you all but I'm back now so there's no need for worries," pure vanilla said with a smile, "oh! And I'll like you to meet my children, red velvet and licorice" "holy sh-" "CHEESE- LANGUAGE!" White lily shouted at golden cheese, which made pure vanilla giggle a bit.

They were all in the livingroom talking about how stuff were doing with their kingdoms pure vanilla wasn't listening instead, he was watching some movies with red velvet and licorice, white lily noticed that vanilla wasn't listening which was a bit concerning her, "pure vanilla?" "Hm" "Are watching a movie?"  "Yes, I am" "Ooo may I watch with you a bit and with the kids?" "Sure lily" the four were watching movie  for a bit, after that, the ancients had to go home, "cya white lily and pure vanilla!" Hollyberry said waving to them and walking away.

"White lily." Pure vanilla said, "yes?"
"Could you take care of red velvet and licorice for me while I'm gone?" "But..its midnight where do you need to go?.." "It doesn't matter lily I'll back soon alright?" Hm..alright..but be safe!" Pure vanilla nobbed and started walking towards the gates door.
'..pathetic.' He thought while walking out of the door.
Red velvet and licorice were on pure vanilla's bed while listening to white lily reading a story to them, "miss lily? When will dad come back?" Licorice asked "hopefully soon.." White lily answered and continued reading to them.

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