(chapter 19) ♡End.♡

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Dark vanilla pov:

I couldn't remember much what happened..but I opened my eyes slowly and saw..white lily..she was smiling warmly??.."white..lily?.." I said and she hugged me. I didn't know what to say or do, but weirdly I hugged back, still confused.

"I'm so happy that your okey dark vanilla!" "I..where am I?.." "Your in the hospital..you didn't get too injured"
"alright- but..why did you help me?..i did horrible things to you! And..i tried to destroy everyone!!" "Dark vanilla is wasn't your fault..it was the darkness that was controlling you..and I knew you were there somewhere and you can still become a hero, we'll try to take the darkness away from your body" white lily said...i don't know..im too dangerous..."white lily... I'm afraid its too late for that.." "No it isn't its never too late dark vanilla.."
.... I stayed silent I didn't want to say no..but I also didn't want to say yes..it was hard to make a decision...what will the cookies of darkness think? What will licorice and red velvet think?? Will the ancients still like me?? Will my kingdom forgive me??
I just couldn't think anymore..

White lily grabbed my one hand, "please dark vanilla..please come back to us..we miss you very much.." White lily said...i finally decided..

"..alright..i will come back..but I still don't trust you still..but you did save me so I won't hate you. Got that?" White lily nodded and hugged me tight. And I hugged back.
I wonder how stuff will be when ill become a "hero" again..

A few days passed and I finally got leave the hospital, i was still scared about telling the cookies of darkness that ill be a "hero" again. But to be honest I don't want to leave them. So I had an idea.

I told them about what happened and most of them were silent until I spoke up again. "I know that you all might be shocked by what I said..but..i won't be leave you all. Instead. You all can join me. We won't be evil anymore. Sadly-" "WHAT!?" Dark choco said.
"I CAN'T BECOME A GOOD COOKIE.. AFTER WHAT I DID I CAN'T GO BACK TO THE CACO KINGDOM" dark choco said I could tell he was scared. "who said that ill be sending you to the cacao kingdom?- ofc you not coming back- youll be living in the pure vanilla kingdom instead." I said back.
"Waittt..thee pure vanilla..kingdom?" "Yes poison mushroom this will our new home..i hope y'all understand.." I said to poison mushroom. Licorice, red velvet and poison mushroom hugged me. I guess I'll take that as a yes- they stopped hugging me. And I stared at dark choco and pomegranate. Pomegranate cookie started walking away from us, she didn't say anything.."pomegranate? Where you think your going?!" I said and she didn't answer. She was gone.
Then I stared at dark choco who was looking down, I patted his shoulder.
"Dark choco.." "Alright fine" he answer back I was surprised.

We all started going to the pure vanilla kingdom..ah, the old place I used to live. Wonder if the vanilla cookies still like me. Probably not.

I gone through the vanilla gates and..
"OUR KING IS BACK!!" the vanilla cookie shouted and cheered. What. The. Hell- they don't hate me!? "Wow- wow- wow- thats must be a misunderstanding-" "there's no misunderstanding king pure vanilla! Your alive and that whats matter and- who are those cookies behind you?" One of the vanilla cookies asked. "Oh them? They are going to join our kingdom," I said back.

End of dark vanilla pov:

Dark vanilla was in the living room while the cookies of darkness were looking around the kingdom, meeting new cookies and interesting places, but dark vanilla didn't want to do that. He didn't get used to being a "good" again. He heard someone coming in the room, it was white lily.
"Oh. Hello white lily. Need anything?." He asked her. "Yes dark vanilla" white lily said back, she sat next to dark vanilla and smiled at him warmly.
"I just want to say..thank you for returning back to your kingdom, and decided to live here again. That made so happy." She said and dark vanilla sigh, "white lily..theres no need to thank me...but you need to understand that I still don't trust you much..but I don't hate you. I don't hate the ancients much like I used too." Dark vanilla said to white lily. "I..understand vanilla.." She said, getting up and started walking.

Things were getting back to normal Slowly.

(Thank you all so much for reading! I'll be making a book 2 of this story. Cya soon!)

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