head cannons of dead flower AU

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(yes I do ship white lily and pure vanilla but I also ship pure vanilla with dark cacao- I think those two ships are cute! And no, I'm not a toxic purelily shipper)

White lily head cannon:
In the academy, white lily liked pure vanilla more then her friends. But she does feel left out sometimes when pure vanilla is with his friends. White lily used to be a quiet student, she wouldn't talk a lot to people, except pure vanilla.

After the dark flour war:
When white lily found out about pure vanilla being dark vanilla cookie, she doesn't want to go on adventures with the Ancients anymore instead, she would always go to pure vanilla statues and pray for pure vanilla to come back, she would feel regret and anxiety (yes, angst) but she still tries to hang out with her friends.
White lily cookie takes care of the pure vanilla kingdom for pure vanilla since he's gone, most of the cookies seem to like white lily taking care of it but they all still miss their king.

Dark vanilla head cannon:
Dark vanilla isn't so pure anymore, he hates white lily a lot after the incident, the only cookies he cares about are the cookie of darkness. He still wants to take revenge on white lily and the ancients but the good side of him tries their best to stop the bad side of him doing that. Dark vanilla does have the good in him still but beep down and he never notices that.

Dark vanilla has battle scars (some are from the dark flour war) but he doesn't use his healing powers to heal himself instead, he heals the cookies of darkness from battles they had from gingerbrave and his friends.
Dark vanilla eye sight isn't so good still but he uses his staff that gives him eye sight.

In the academy:
Pure vanilla was one of the best healers, he was the best student in the academy especially very nice one too!
But he was aware from the witches truth, he didn't know about them but he still doesn't want to know, he had a bad feeling. But his friend white lily really wanted to know, so he told white lily to avoid it, she understood but a bit concerned.

The ancients:
Hollyberry is mostly worries about white lily after the dark flour war same with goldencheese, but dark cacao..well..he misses pure vanilla a lot, he doesn't care about how white lily feels.
Hollyberry usually comes over with goldencheese to see white lily. they all do miss pure vanilla a lot and pray that one day, he'll come back.

That's pretty much all!
I hope you all like my head cannons!


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