(chapter 16) +captured+

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"Alright everyone! Since it's getting dark, we'll be doing a little camp right here for the night" gingerbrave said, everyone agreed and start working on tents.

+few minutes later+

Well done everybody! *yawns* Ill see y'all tomorrow in the morning!" Gingerbrave said "cya in the morning," wizard said, "goodnight everybody!!" Custard said, "night." Chilly pepper and strawberry said. Everyone went back to their tents except white lily, she was sitting down and still confused by what licorice said: 'let's just say..dark vanilla cookie'
'What did he mean by that? Dark vanilla is gone..is he?..' she thought to herself until someone slowly walked behind her, white lily heard footsteps behind before she could look around, she got hit on the head and passed out.  "Nehehe..finally we got her! Now we must bring her back to dad.."

*next morning*

The sun rising and gingerbrave woke up, he got outside and wake everyone up. After everyone got out of their tents gingerbrave noticed someone missing, "hey- everyone? Where white lily?" He asked them, they all looked at each other of confusion, "we..dont know!" "Then we must look for her come on!" Gingerbrave said and everyone nodded.

+At the dark castle+

"Dadddd we finally got her!!" Licorice said happily, "huh? Who??" "White lily!" Dark vanilla was shocked by what licorice said but also proud of him, "thank you licorice." He said "bring her to me" "okey dad" licorice said.

White lily slowly opened her eyes and got horrified by what place she was in, it dark and creepy inside the dark castle, "well..well..well..heh who do we have here?" She heard a voice, it was licorice cookie, "licorice!? Wha- WHAT AM I DOING HERE!? WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!" she shouted of confusion, "don't be so loud lily, oh! And there's someone who wants to see you so get up and follow me" he said pulling onto the rope that white lily was tied up.

They walked through the hallways, white lily notices some photos, they were creepy. "Where are you talking me licorice.." She asked him, "oh, someone you might know" "know how??" Licorice giggled a bit by what she said but also ignored her until they finally got to dark vanilla who was sitting on his throne. "Dad I brought her in" "thank you licorice my son" dark vanilla said and got off his throne walking towards licorice, "you may leave now. I must have a little talk to our now prisoner.." Licorice nodded and walked out the door leaving white lily confused by who she was seeing, "pure..vanilla?"
"SILENCE" dark vanilla interruptes her with his deep voice, "there no 'pure' vanilla anymore..stop.calling.me.that." He said to her harshly which made white lily stay silent for a bit, "huh. No words from you? Pathetic. It's your fault I'm like this.." "Pure...dark vanilla cookie, I'm sorry.." "Apologizing won't bring me back to my old self.." "But you don't have to be evil! He can come back to me and the ancients, you can become a hero again! We'll..be together again! Please pure vanilla..i know your still in ther-" "I.said.SILENT!" dark vanilla shouted grabbing his staff and pointing it on white lily, he realized what he was doing and putted his staff down '..i can't..kill her.' He thought to himself it made white lily confused by what just happened right now. "Guards. Take the prisoner to the cell." The guards obayed and grabbed white lily on the arms, dark vanilla stared at white lily and got a strange feeling, regret.


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