(chapter 13) 🌩

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(End of flashbacks, back to the destroyed castle)

"Oh my god..."



white lily Slowly opened her eyes and saw hollyberry, goldencheese and dark cacao, "huh...what...what happened...?" "THANK STARS YOUR ALRIGHT!" "WE THOUGHT YOU DIED GIRL-" goldencheese and hollyberry said happily, "yeah...wait...wheres pure vanilla...? And how on earth did I survive the explosion..!? WAIT DID PURE VANILLA SURVIVED TOO!? PLEASE TELL ME HE DID PLEASE!.."
the ancients stayed silent for a bit until hollyberry spoke up, "we...didnt saw him when we woke up...we only saw you..we don't know if he's gone..again.." Goldencheese said, white lily eyes widened, tears falling down her cheeks, she got her head up and looked around the destroyed building, no sign of pure vanilla. White lily started crying and the ancient started hugging her tight,
"We're sorry white lily..." The ancients said behind theirs breathe  They all got up and started walking through the gates door.

*With dark vanilla cookie*

Dark vanilla pov:

I finally got back to my dark castle from that...horrible...incident, it was hard to walk from all that pain, I opened the gates door and saw licorice and red velvet running towards me, giving a huge hug, "PAPA!! WE MISSED YOU!
ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? DO YOU NEED HELP!?" licorice shouted same with red velvet, "Ah..no..its alright children..ill be fine" "I know what will help you! I learned this new spell to summon my own minions, they will help you!" Licorice said and used his magic to summon the little licorice minions, they picked me up and got me to bed, "oh!- that's very..nice of you licorice-" I said, red velvet was hugging my hand, not letting go of it which adored me, the minions got the bandage and put the bandage on my forehead, arm and stomach where it hurts after that, the minions disappeared and the both boys were hugging me tight, "please..never leave us like that for so long dad.." Red velvet said with a sad tune, "I promise..don't worry my children.." I said and hugged them back with a smile on my face.
*Years later*

"What do you mean we can't get there!?-" licorice shouted at pomegranate, "licorice..we need someone else responsible. But a cookie like you." "OH come on.."
The door opened, "oh hey dad!" Red velvet said to dark vanilla cookie,
"Hello red velvet and everyone. I have news for you all.." Everyone turned to see dark vanilla cookie, "what's is it master?" Pomegranate asked dark vanilla opened his mouth and started talking.

"Wait...you want to bring back the dark four war?" Dark choco asked, "yes..i still haven't took my revenge on those..pathetic..heros especially white lily.." Dark vanilla said angrily.
The cookies of darkness looked at each other, then looked at dark vanilla, "...please be okey dad.." Licorice said, "don't worry..ill be fine."
Dark vanilla said then walked away from the room.

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