(chapter 10) ❁i love you❁

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(Fluff chapter :D)

It was midnight and pure vanilla haven't came yet which made white lily very worried, she got up from bed and dressed up,she was about go outside to fine pure vanilla until she heard door closing, she ran through her bedroom door and gone downstairs she ran towards pure vanilla and hugged him, "pure vanilla You back! Where were you!? You got me worried!" She said which made pure vanilla giggle and he hugged back, "it's okey white lily I'm back now, sorry that it took long" he said smiling at her and she smiled back, they started walking back to their rooms.

Licorice heard the door open and he opened his eyes, "DAD!!" he got off from bed to hug him, "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?" he shouted which made red velvet wake up too, "heh sorry children that it took me long to come back, but I have great news..i made a new place to stay for us" pure vanilla said, "WOW!! A NEW PLACE! I'M SO EXCITEDDD" "yey! We finally have a real home to say! Licorice and red velvet said cheerfully, " yes, but we have to leave this kingdom to go to it"pure vanilla said "but how?" Pure vanilla turned into dark vanilla "we'll see" The boys nobbed.
White lily pov:
I made breakfast for pure vanilla and the kids, I walked to the living run to see pure vanilla sitting alone while reading a book like always! I walked toward and sat next to him giving the breakfast to him and he smiled, "thank you for the breakfast white lily" "your welcome pure vanilla by the way, where are the kids?" "Oh! Their still sleeping" I nobbed and continued eating.

We walked outside for a bit it was nice and calm, "pure vanilla?" "Yes white lily?" "Should we visit out secret garden together like the old days" "of course we can" he said smiling warmly and I smiled back, we got to the secret garden and sat down for a bit, it was calming the sun was warming, the flowers were blooming, the wind was nice, this was perfect for us to spend time, but something reminded me of something I was traumatized from, "pure vanilla?...im sorry.." He looked at me confused, "sorry? Sorry for what lily?" "For the incident that...happened to you...it was all my fault..i should have listened to you in the first place..an-.." Pure vanilla hugged me immediately, "white lily...you don't need to apologize..i saved you that means i care about you...a lot..and look at me..im right here with you safe...but please..never go to the witches house again..promise me?" I teared up a bit and hugged back tight "I promise..i won't break it this time" pure vanilla pulled back from the hug and had his hands on my cheeks, wiping the tears away with a warm smile, "I love you white lily" "I love you too..pure vanilla" we hugged again and stayed like this for a little while.

(I love making fluff chapters <3)

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