(chapter 8) °together again°

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It been a few years since white lily had saw pure vanilla, she would sometimes feel upset just by remembering her last days with him, being in the secret garden together.
But after he was gone, things weren't the same, the sweet vanilla kingdom wasn't the same and the secret garden wasn't the same too. But stuff changed when she saw someone that she missed so much,

White lily was in the kitchen, making food, she Learned how to cook from pure vanilla, there was also guests in the living room, hollyberry, goldencheese and surprisingly dark cacao was here too, stuff were getting better for white lily she would start going outside more often and acting more like herself.
"Food is ready everybody!" She said while walking to the living room with the food she made, "Ah, thank you so much white lily and I'm glad that your feeling bit better aren't youuu" goldencheese said happily "heh, thank you goldencheese, but..i still miss him." She sat down with her friends and placed the food on the table, "hey it's alright, that been from the past, we all miss him too very much but we must move on with it, and he'll always be by your side no matter what!" Hollyberry said, white lily smiled at her friends, "thank you all"

+Next day+

White lily decided to go on a walk to the secret garden to check if everythings okey, she got ready and gone out from the door. While she was walking a lot of cookies were waving at her and she happily waved back and continue walking towards the woods.

White lily was walking slowly and stopped when she heard singing,
"Oh mary..contrary, how does your garden grow.." White lily started walking towards the sound, she pushed the bushed away and saw: 'pure..vanilla cookie...?..' Her eyes went wide and shocked by who she was seeing after so many years.
Pure vanilla turned around to face white lily, he smiled warmly, "come with me and you'll be the seventh maid in a row.." "My..answer..was laughter...soft as I lowered my head.."
"Your too late..im afraid, this flower's already dead" white lily dropped her staff and ran to pure vanilla giving him a big hug, "PURE VANILLA COOKIE! I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOUR OKEY!" she said with happy tears falling down her cheeks, "I..missed you so much!" Pure vanilla smiled and hugged back, "I missed you too white lily" they pulled away from the hug, white lily was smiling happily same was pure vanilla, he wiped her tears away with he's sleeve, "now we are together again.." "We are.." White lily grabbed her staff and holds pure vanilla's hand tight, not letting go off it which made pure vanilla chuckle a bit, they walked back to the castle together.

Everything was back to normal..well..thats what white lily thought..
"My, white lily you took good care of my kingdom.. Thank you so much for that," he said smiling at her, "ofc I did..i couldn't just leave it here alone without nobody taking care of it" he said opening the gates door and going in with pure vanilla.

*few hours later*

White lily and pure vanilla were laughing about stuff, "haha! You really did that?" "I mean it was an accident- hehe!" They continued laughing and stopped before white lily asked a question to pure vanilla,
"Hey..im just so glad that your here with me now and safe but..where were you when you were gone?.."
Pure vanilla states silence by the question white lily asked and then spoke up, "I was..somewhere....alone and...no where to go.." Pure vanilla's eyes opened when white lily hugged him tight, "your not alone anymore vanilla..we are together now and safe I promise that I'll always be by your side no matter what.." Pure vanilla smiled warmly and hugged back, "thank you white lily cookie..im so  happy that we are together now.."
"Me too! But please never leave me like that again okey?" "I won't, don't worry lily" they both giggled happily.
Pure vanilla was finally in his room and white lily was in the other room pretty asleep by now, he turned back into his original form, "finally I feels better being in this form.." Dark vanilla said and grabbed his staff, he created a portal and two cookies came out of it, "that was fun being in this portal right red??" Licorice said excitedly "yeah I was to be honest"
"Papa!!" Licorice ran to dark vanilla and so did red velvet "don't worry children we are back inside my old kingdom soon we will get our own castle" WOW A CASTLE!? AWESOME!!" "thats amazing dad!" The both boys said "shoo..not to loud kids we don't want to wake up others alright?" The boys nobbed.

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