(chapter 6) ❁day with white lily❁

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White lily pov:

I still couldn't get over the incident that happened with pure vanilla..and it was all my fault well, hollyberry says that its not but I don't believe that.
I woken up pretty late it was still dark I probably had another nightmare I got off from bed and changed clothes
I grabbed my staff and started walked down the hallways, I finally got outside and surprisingly a few cookies were awake too mostly opening stores and getting stuff ready for the day.
The sun rised and rest of the cookies had woken up, I walked past the other cookies who were smiling at me like always I still didn't get used to this..since I'm taking care of the pure vanilla kingdom, I quietly walked through the woods, it was a pretty day so no monsters where here.
It was few minutes walk until I finally got to the secret garden that me and pure vanilla had together, it was still beautiful, all the white lilys and the light yellow flowers were still gorgeous, I was surprised by that it been like 3 months since I been here.
I sat down and and stared at the light yellow flowers, they remind me of pure vanilla's pure smile everytime we talked and plant them, I would warmly smile at those lovely memories we had. I closed my eyes and stayed like this for 6 minutes, until I opened my eyes again and got up, I started walking away back to the kingdom.

I felt a bit better when hollyberry and goldencheese decided to visit me, we were talking, drinking our drinks, and chilling, "soooo what else should we do girll??" Said Goldencheese "OH OH! we should all watch a movie!! Sincee we have a day off from battling strong monster!" I agreed with hollyberry and so did goldencheese, we put on a movie Titanic which was hollyberry's favorite movie-. It been like 1 hour until we all had fallen asleep before the movie ended.

It was morning, and we had woken up, hollyberry and goldencheese got their stuff and waving goodbyes, I waved back and their gone while the door closed. I got upstairs and walking towards pure vanilla's old room, standing at the front of the door and opening it slowly got inside and looked around, pure vanilla's room was so beautiful, I saw his desk with a box on it walked towards the desk and grabbed the box, I sat down on pure vanilla's bed and opened it. 'Old pictures..?' I thought to myself while holding on of the old photos, it was a picture of him but younger, I looked back at the box and saw an old photo of him and me still in the academy, smiling happily, 'I miss those days..i hope we'll meet again pure vanilla cookie..' I thought while smiling a bit.

Maybe we will meet soon..i really hope so.

(Sorry that it's a bit rushed- ill try making the other chapter a bit slower-)

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