(chapter 11)

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All the ancient were getting prepared for the war that was about to happen who the most powerful cookie on earthbreak, dark vanilla cookie.

When they were getting prepared, white lily saw pure vanilla acting strange before the war, she was getting concerned a bit, "pure vanilla Are alright? You acted strange lately since a war is soon going to happen"
Pure vanilla stayed silent for a bit then looked at white lily, he giggled a bit, "I'm fine white lily heh,everything is fine." He said grabbing his staff and started walking away, "where are you going? " the war is about to happen!"
Pure vanilla stopped and turned to face white lily and the ancient, "..heh..do you even know who dark vanilla is?" "Pure vanilla cookie- why are acting like this??" Golden cheese said concernely. Pure vanilla smiled and used his staff to create a portal behind him, "you foolish heros.." He turned into dark vanilla and faced the ancients again with a smirk, "you....you were..dark vanilla..?.." White lily said, "aw..im so sorry white lily that you had to find out this way....but its your fault that I'm like this..you didn't listen and broke our promise..i wish you all luck at the war" he said then walked inside the poratl, "PURE VANILLA WAIT PLEASE!-" white lily shouted and ran, reaching her hand out to the portal but it closed before she could even stop him. "He...HE BETRAYED US!.." hollyberry said angrily and ran to white lily who was tearing up, "it's all my fault!.." She said crying, "white lily..you still have us.." Hollyberry said trying to comfort her, "I just.....wish he was back...back into the nicest cookie i know..im so sorry pure vanilla...!" "White lily.."

-The war begins-

All the ancients were running though the large dark castle where dark vanilla was, they fight the monsters away and continued running non stop until, they reach to dark vanilla cookie
"Well...looks like you all made it..congratulations.." "Don't joke with us! we are here to stop you dark vanilla cookie!" Goldencheese cookie said and dark vanilla cookie giggled, "stop me? But is already won.." "Wha- WOAH-" the castle was shaking and the walls were breaking, "you hadn't won yet dark vanilla!" They started a battle.
"Eh... Is everyone alright!?" Hollyberry shouted, most of them nodded but they were tired too, "hehe...worthless heros...you can never stop me.." Dark vanilla said and used his staff to take their soulstones away, "YOU ALL ARE DEAD!" dark vanilla shouted then laughed white lily watched him taking the soulstones away, '...i can't let him...' She thought and got up, grabbing her staff, "white lily..what are you doing!?" "I can't fail again..i must stop him..im sorry friends.."
She said then ran towards pure vanilla "ah, white lily..nice seeing you agi- huh!?" Dark vanilla felt white lily hugging him tight while the bright light was forming, like it was about to explode (which it is) "white lily what are you doing!?" Pure vanilla said trying to pull away from the hug, "I'm so sorry pure vanilla..i know it's my fault...but you don't need to do this! You can come back to us like a family again! We'll..be together..again!..so please listen..i love you pure vanilla cookie.." She said, dark vanilla cookie stayed silent and looked at white lily who was looking at him, they noticed that the bright light was about to explode, they looked at each other and shut
their eyes.

The castle exploded.

(Sorry if this story doesn't make sense, ill try making the other chapter more understandable)

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