I'm A Father (Seongsang)

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Little: Yeosang

Caregiver: Seonghwa

Seonghwa POV

This afternoon was the most entertaining day of my life.

First off, Hongjoong and Jongho had an arm wrestling match, and we all know who won.

Secondly, Mingi and San wanted to see what would happen if they tried to drink Coke while eating Mentos, very bad idea. Just glad I didn't have to clean it up.

But for me, the best part came with Yeosang.

"Is my cutie pie awake?", I said as I quietly opened the door to mine and his shared room.

I heard some slight noises, indicating the boy was indeed awake.

I walk over and lift the blanket from him. As I do, I am met with a bright smile and innocent laughter.

He reached his arms up for me and I picked him up.

"How was your nap Sangie?"

He poked my nose and laughed, wiggling around in my arms.

"Baba!", he yelled. His lack of words indicating that he was in baby space.


I grabbed his "baba" (pacifier) and gave it to him.

We walked downstairs and were greeted by the enthusiastic members, who immediately noticed baby Sangie.

"Hello there sweetie! Aren't you a cutie!", said Hongjoong, making the boy in my arms smile.

Yunho and Jongho walked up to us.

"Can we take baby Yeosang to the park today? Pleeeeeeeeeease?"

Reluctantly, I said yes.

I sat down on the couch with him, and watched as he climbed off of me onto the floor, which was covered in racecars that we didn't clean up earlier.

He sat there are stared at the cars, occasionally laughing at himself bumping cars into each other.

"Well look at you..."

I turned around to see Mingi.

"Look at me what?"

"Looking like a proud father."

It's true, and to Yeosang, I was.

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