Persuasion (Little San)

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(This one is kinda short. Hope you still enjoy.)

Little: San (Age- 4)

Caregivers: Wooyoung and Yeosang

Yeosang POV

I was entirely not in the mood for anything happening at the moment. Today was tiring, and I needed several naps.

Just as I was about to begin nap one, I heard a little knock on the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Come in!"

To my surprise, the door opened a little, but no one entered.

Confused, I stared at the door. My questions were answered when I heard a cute little laugh.


"Sannie. Is that you?"

"How you know Mama? I hide."

"I can hear that cute little laugh of yours."

"I not little! Sannie big boy!"

The cute little walked into the room with a tshirt and pair of shorts on, all of that with a baseball cap.

"Mama why in bed? We go outside!"

"Sorry Sannie, not today. Mama is tired."

"B-but we play all da time Mama!"

"I know baby, but can we skip today?"

"You say you play with me..."

"Baby don't be sad. We can play tomorrow. Why don't you ask papa to play with you?"

San pouted and looked like he was about to cry before running from the room.

I sighed again, I didn't mean to make him upset. Before I could lay back down, someone tapped my door again.

This time Wooyoung walked in, with San right behind him, holding his hand.

"Yeosang, why is my baby sad?", Wooyoung asked, slightly angry.

"Because I'm tired and don't want to play with him right now. Today has been a long day Wooyoung, I don't have the energy."

Wooyoung shook his head in agreement before turning to San.

"You hear that baby? Mama is tired. He can't go outside today."

San stomped his foot.

"But I wan play! Please papa! I wan go outside!"

"You can play in the playroom baby."

"Outside papa! Outside!"

Wooyoung looked at me. I stared back at him, and I guess he got the message.

"Okay...okay...I'll take you outside."

San jumped up and clapped, smiling brightly. He grabbed Wooyoung's hand and dragged him from the room.

"Good luck!", I yelled.

"You owe me!", Wooyoung yelled from downstairs.

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