Puppies! (Jongho and Yeosang)

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Little: Jongho

Caregiver: Yeosang

Yeosang POV

Today I was in charge of Jongho.

I was his caregiver because the first time he slipped, he called me Mama and I felt like the chosen one.

On days where it's just me, I like to do something special with him. He woke up in his headspace this morning and called for me from his bed across the room.

After I got up, we ate breakfast with the members and then everyone split off for their day off. Today, I decided to take Jongho to the animal shelter.

"Puppy! Puppy!", the excited baby yelled as we got closer to the shop.

It wasn't far from the dorms, so we walked.

"Look baby, the puppies are out!"

As we entered the shop, we saw the little playpen filled with puppies of all different breeds.

Jongho sat down in front of them and played through the pen walls.

"Hewwo puppies! My name is Jongho! I baby, like you."

I couldn't help but take photos of the cuteness happening and sent it to the group chat I had labeled "Business Partners and Wooyoung" to get them jealous.

"Mama! Puppy look like Hwa."

I sat down next to him and he pointed to a Shiba Inu puppy who was clawing at the pen walls.

"Mama puppy wants to get out. Can I?"

I looked towards the workers. They nodded, signaling we could do so.

"Go ahead baby."

He excitedly grabbed the little puppy, it climbing all over him in happiness.

Jongho ran around the store for what felt like thirty minutes before he came back to me.

"Mama, I get puppy?"

"You want the puppy?"

"For hyung, his birthday!"

Oh, did I forget to mention our first day off in four weeks came on San birthday.

His party was tonight, and we would all meet back at the dorms to celebrate after taking the day around town.

I looked at Jongho, the innocent and happy smile all over him. I had to let him get the puppy for San.

"He's gonna love it baby!"

Jongho excitedly yelled and picked the puppy up, bringing it to the man at the desk.

After an hour of gathering puppy items and finding a stylish leash, we decided to head back home.


"Mama, mama, mama."

"Yes baby?"

"I give puppy?"

"If you want to now, you can."

When we got home, Wooyoung and San were there, playing video games on the couch.

Jongho ran into the living room, raising the pup in the air.

"Sannie! Happy birthday! I love you!"

Both boys on the couch gasped at the puppy and San got up to hold it.

"You got me a puppy little one?"


"Thank you so much sweetheart. I love you."

They hugged and I sat down next to Wooyoung, watching the two boys play with the puppy on the carpet.


"Yes cutie?"

"I get you puppy too."

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